How to find answers on Google Forms in 3 different formats, as well as in Google Sheets (2024)

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How to find answers on Google Forms in 3 different formats, as well as in Google Sheets (1) How to find answers on Google Forms in 3 different formats, as well as in Google Sheets (2)
  • You can find answers on Google Forms as a creator after sending one out and receiving feedback.
  • You can view respondents' answers in three different ways: as a summary, by question, or by individual respondent.
  • You can also view answers via Google Sheets if you prefer.

If you've sent out a Google Form and begun to collect responses, you'll want to be able to see what people answered. Fortunately, Google Forms makes the whole process easy to understand.

Here's how to find respondents' answers on your Google Forms.


How to find answers on Google Forms

1.Open your Google Form.

How to find answers on Google Forms in 3 different formats, as well as in Google Sheets (3)

Chrissy Montelli/Business Insider

2.Click on "Responses."

3.After you've opened the Responses tab, you will be able to view answers in three different ways: "Summary," "Question," and "Individual."

How to find answers on Google Forms in 3 different formats, as well as in Google Sheets (4)

Chrissy Montelli/Business Insider

4.Click on the "Summary" tab to view a summary of all answers submitted to your Google Form. These may appear as charts and graphs, or in other formats.

Chrissy Montelli/Business Insider

5.Click on the "Question" tab to view collection data for specific questions on your form. The responses you are viewing will be for the specific question listed in the drop-down menu.

How to find answers on Google Forms in 3 different formats, as well as in Google Sheets (6)

Chrissy Montelli/Business Insider

7. Click on the "Individual" tab to view specific respondents' answers to each question. To navigate between respondents, click on the arrows in the top banner.


How to find answers on Google Sheets

You can also view answers to your Google Form via a spreadsheet that is automatically saved when creating a Google Form. First, open the Google Form within Google Drive.

1.Click on the Responses Tab.

2.Select the Google Sheets icon in the top right corner.

3.You should now see the responses displayed in a spreadsheet.

To turn on email notifications after respondents fill out your form, all you have to do is click the three-dot icon under the same Responses tab and select "Get email notifications for new responses."


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Chrissy Montelli is a writer and content creator originally from Long Island, NY. She is the author of two poetry chapbooks,Heart Float(Bottlecap Press) andGoing to Ithaca(Ghost City Press), as well as various online publications. Read more from her

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How to find answers on Google Forms in 3 different formats, as well as in Google Sheets (7)

How to find answers on Google Forms in 3 different formats, as well as in Google Sheets (2024)


How to find answers on Google Forms in 3 different formats, as well as in Google Sheets? ›

Open Google Forms, either through or Google Drive > New > Google Forms. Add a new Multiple choice question. Add an option as Option 1. In the next option, click Add other.

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Open Google Forms, either through or Google Drive > New > Google Forms. Add a new Multiple choice question. Add an option as Option 1. In the next option, click Add other.

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Connect the form to the spreadsheet

Either go through G-drive > Google Forms > Blank Form/Quiz, or you can directly head to Google Forms app. Create your form, enter down Q&A, and configure settings under the 'Settings' option. Navigate to the 'Responses' tab, Click on the Google Sheet icon or '፧

How to get the answer of any question? ›

Having a question that you don't know the answer to can be frustrating. Luckily, you can use a variety of different tools to solve your inquiry. Depending on the question, you can use a search engine, conduct extensive research, or contact a professional. Before long, you'll be that much closer to finding the answer.

What are the question formats in Google form? ›

While Google Forms doesn't have all of the flexibility and options that more advanced form builders have (for example, it's missing a ranking question type), it does cover the basics including short answer, paragraph, multiple choice, checkboxes, dropdown, linear scale, grid, date, and time.

What is dropdown in Google Forms? ›

Dropdown question allows users to select an answer from a [long] list of options. This is similar to a multiple choice question that allows users to select only one answer from the available choices.

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The "merge responses" option on a Google form allows you to combine multiple form responses into a single row in a Google Sheet. This is useful if you have a form that allows for multiple responses from a single user, such as a survey or feedback form, and you want to see all of their responses in one place.

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How to Merge Google Forms Together in 6 Easy Steps. Unfortunately, merging Google Forms directly isn't a built-in feature of Google Forms. However, the "Import Questions" function is an efficient method for merging content from multiple forms without having to use a third-party tool or add-on.

What is a Multiple choice grid? ›

What is a multiple choice grid? The multiple choice grid question enables respondents to choose multiple answer options per row or column in a particular question. Featuring a grid format, this question type comes with multiple rows and columns and is considered to be convenient for online surveys.

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You can upload your customer data to google sheets and easily create prefill links in bulk to autofill google forms. How to create prefill links in bulk? Formprefill automatically generates new prefill links based on the data entered in Google Sheets.

Can Google Forms be transferred to Google Sheets? ›

Google Forms has a setting that allows you to send your form responses to Google Sheets. This can be a new or existing spreadsheet. In your chosen form, click on the Responses tab.

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Import data from Google Sheets to Google Forms using an Add-on. Importing data from Google Sheets is also possible to send them to Google Forms. Although it is not a native connection, as said above, so you also will need an add-on here to complete the task.

Where are Google Form responses stored? ›

Google forms is a free Google application that allows you to quickly create and distribute a form to gather information. Form responses are saved in a Google spreadsheet in Google drive.

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