Alternatives to discussion search filter (2024)

Last month the powers that be at Google dealt another blow to users by disabling the discussion search filter, but fear not, here are a few tricks for finding those elusive conversations.

If you’re unfamiliar with the discussion search filter, check out this blog post from Matt. Essentially, Google is making it harder to find topic specific conversations, whether it be on forums, blogs or other thread-based feeds.

However, as illustrated by my trusty ‘cycling shorts’ example, the tricks below should help you quickly, and easily, find discussions around your search queries:

Discussions button for Google Search

If you’re a fan of Chrome, give the Discussions button for Google Search a try! Once you’ve downloaded the button, Discussions will appear back in the ‘More’ menu on the Google search results, allowing you to search forums and message boards for up-to-date conversations.

Whilst Google has disabled the familiar Discussion search filter we all knew and loved, this button is an excellent workaround as it will modify your search query to generate relevant results.

Farewell, ‘/?tbm=dsc‘, and hello to ‘inurl:forum|viewthread|showthread|viewtopic|showtopic|”index.php?topic” | intext:”reading this topic”|”next thread”|”next topic”|”send private message”‘.

Doesn’t quite roll off the fingertips but does generate similar results…

Alternatives to discussion search filter (1)
Alternatives to discussion search filter (2)

keyword intext:forum “post” | inurl:forum | “posts:” | inurl:viewtopic’

Alternatively, the string above at the end of your search query will produce similar results by applying filters to the search results. For example:

Alternatives to discussion search filter (3)

Remember to use the ‘Search tools’ to filter the results further, for example by country or date!

Alternatives to discussion search filter (4)

If the tricks above still aren’t quite producing the results you’re after, here are a few alternative searches for you to try:

submit comment + “keyword” or submit link + “keyword

This is great if you’re looking to comment on a particular topic. The results should provide you with a list of pages, including blog posts, around your keyword where it’s also possible to comment or add a link. No more wasting time reading posts to only get to the end and discover you can’t add your two cents.

“blog comments powered by Disqus” + “keyword

Do you have a Disqus profile? Then give the above a whirl! Adding comments to blog posts can be time consuming, especially when factoring in the registration and verification process before even being able to comment. For those who are a fan of Disqus the above should help you quickly find relevant posts to comment on through your profile.

Getting involved with discussions on blog posts and forums is an excellent way of staying up-to-date with the latest conversations. By understanding what users are talking about and the sentiment behind their views, you can get a much better idea of the industry as a whole. Use this invaluable insight to influence your marketing strategy and shape your positioning as a brand.

Alternatives to discussion search filter (2024)


How to search forums only? ›

If you're a fan of Chrome, give the Discussions button for Google Search a try! Once you've downloaded the button, Discussions will appear back in the 'More' menu on the Google search results, allowing you to search forums and message boards for up-to-date conversations.

How to search forums through Google? ›

Google Search Tests Forums In Search Bar Menu

The new item is "Forums" and it filters the search results to forums, such as Reddit, Hacker News, and other forums on the internet.

How to find good forums? ›

How To Find A Forum In Your Niche
  1. Google. Google is probably the best way to find a forum. They've had the best search engines for years and it seems to get better every year. ...
  2. Big “Everything” Forums. Reddit is one. Quora is one. ...
  3. Social Media. Social media has taken over lots of the attention on the Internet.
Jan 11, 2021

Is Google a search engine? ›

Google Search is a fully-automated search engine that uses software known as web crawlers that explore the web regularly to find pages to add to our index.

What has replaced forums? ›

It seems that in the past couple of years, traditional forums have been largely replaced by specialized community-building tools, like Discord and Slack, or by social media groups, like the ones on Facebook.

Do people use forums anymore? ›

What happened to internet forums? Many are still around. But a lot of new groups that would have been supported by Internet forums a few years ago are now hosted by services like Telegram, Discord, Facebook groups, and even Slack.

Does Google have a forum app? ›

While Google Groups no longer has a "Forum" option, you can still create a Google Group that works like a web-based discussion board. If you want more features for your forum, create on Reddit, Forumotion, Proboards, or another free forum host.

What are Google Help forums? ›

The Google Help Communities are a place for Google users to ask questions or provide feedback about Google products and services, discuss products and services with other Google users and enthusiasts, provide tips for using Google products and services to the community, get help from other users and Google enthusiasts ...

How do I find relevant forums? ›

2 How to find relevant forums

Finding forums related to your industry, niche, or offer can be achieved in a variety of ways. Search engines like Google or Bing can be used to search for keywords related to your topic, followed by "forum", "community", "discussion", or "board".

What is the most popular forum site? ›

Reddit. An American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, which are then voted up or down by other members.

How do I make my forum popular? ›

Monitor and make improvements

Monitoring your forum website performance and making improvements can help you improve the user experience and attract new users. You should continue focusing on creating topic ideas and categories that encourage users to join the discussion.

How do you attract people to a forum? ›

Personally welcoming new members through a personalized email, private message, or mentioning them in the group chat can go a long way in making them feel comfortable. Another crucial aspect of branded community engagement is consistency in sharing content.

Which search engine is better than Google? ›

Bing. Bing is one of the top unblocked search engine and the best Google alternative. According to Similarweb, Bing is one of the most visited american search engine. It is owned and operated by Microsoft.

What is the most comprehensive search engine? ›

Google is fast, relevant, and has the most extensive single catalog of web pages available. Try Google images, maps, and news features; they are outstanding services for locating photos, geographic directions, and headlines.

What are the cons of Google Search? ›

  • Not all information is credible on the internet - anyone can publish anything.
  • It may be difficult to know if the information is out-of-date or biased.
  • Because there is often so much information, it can be hard to identify the most relevant sources.
  • Google only searches the public web.

How do I search Reddit only on Google? ›

To get more useful results, I often just enter my search string in Google and add "" to it, so that only results from Reddit are displayed.

What is private forums? ›

What is a private forum? An internet forum is any kind of online discussion board where members can discuss common interests and exchange messages. A private forum goes a step further by hiding its content behind a sign-up page so that only registered members can view and post content.

How can I see a forum without logging in? ›

There is a simple way to work around it. Forums allow google spiders to crawl their content without logging in. All the results in Google now has a link called "cached". Click on it and you will see the page.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.