Why Does My ZZ Plant Have Yellow Leaves? - Smart Garden Guide (2024)

If you are searching for a good-looking house plant that is easy to care for, the ZZ plant or Zamioculcas zamiifolia as it is also known, is a worthy contender. The most common problem that you might encounter is yellow leaves on your ZZ plant. This article will tell you how to fix this problem and prevent it in the future.

Why does my ZZ plant have yellow leaves? The most common reason for yellowing leaves in ZZ plants is overwatering which leads to root rot. However, yellowing leaves can also be a sign of underwatering, and more rarely can be due to extremes of temperature, light or fertilizing issues.

If your ZZ plant has yellow leaves, the cause could beone of a number of potential reasons. It is best to investigate the reasons toensure that you understand what is making your house plant unhappy and knowwhat course of action to take. Below we cover a varietyof reasons why your ZZ plant might be presenting yellow leaves and include afew tips to ensure that once the plant is revived, yellow leaves don’t comeback.

Top Reasons ZZ Plants Get Yellow Leaves

ZZ plants are fairly hardy house plants, which makesthem a popular choice for people who don’t have a lot of time to dedicate toplant care. ZZ plants are considered drought resistant, which is just one ofthe reasons why they are so hardy.

Many people mistakenly think that this means the ZZ plant can withstand high heat and a lot of sun. The reality is that the ZZ plant is able to withstand very dry conditions, but they are less tolerant of high temperatures.

As a ZZ plant can cope with a decent amount of neglect, it often comes as quite a surprise when the leaves start yellowing. This is a cry for help
a sign that it needs a bit of attention, but what is the cause and what can you do?

When yellow leaves present themselves, it is most likely linked to your watering schedule. Adjusting when and how much you water your ZZ plant can go a long way towards reversing the damage and reviving the plant.

Below are possible reasons why your ZZ plant leavesmight be yellowing and what you can do about it.

Why Does My ZZ Plant Have Yellow Leaves? - Smart Garden Guide (1)

Overwatering A ZZ Plant Can Lead To Yellowing Leaves

As ZZ plants are designed to thrive in dry conditions, they can have an adverse reaction to excess watering. This is mainly due to fungal growth and root rot that occurs when the plant’s root system is exposed to a wet environment for an extended period of time.

Whether you are watering your plant too often or the soil isn’t draining well, wet roots lead to root rot, which then stops the steady supply of water and nutrients to leaves and the rest of the plant.

When root rot sets in, the root system simply cannot function like it should. This leads to leaves yellowing due to lack of water and nutrition reaching essential areas of the plant. Sometimes yellowing leaves will even fall off.

What to do if root rot from overwatering is the cause of yellow leaves:

  • The first thing you need to do is a soil check. Does the soil feel very wet? If it does, you need to remove the plant from the pot so that you can take a closer look at the actual roots. The roots should be completely white all the way through. If they aren’t and you see brown areas of rot, then you have a root rot problem. Root rot disables the root from working, but if caught in time, it can be reversed.
  • Use pruners to neatly cut the rot out of the roots. Remove the worst affected roots and cut incisions in healthy roots to encourage new growth of roots. Make sure to wash the pruners after cutting the rot away. This is because fungal growth contributes to root rot and can be spread if it contaminates your pruners and other equipment.
  • Replant the ZZ plant into a pot with sufficient drainage holes. Discard the contaminated soil and use fresh soil. You should use a well draining growing medium to prevent a recurrence of the problem. Water the soil, but only to make it slightly damp. You must allow the soil to completely dry out before watering it again.

Underwatering A ZZ Plant Can Lead To Yellowing Leaves

A ZZ plant doesn’t need a lot of water, so it can be easy to forget about watering it all together. Drastic lack of water will lead to leaf color change, shriveling, and dropping. This can be quite distressing to the house plant lover!

If your plant’s soil is very dry, underwatering could be the problem. The good news is that by adjusting your watering schedule, your ZZ plant can bounce back fairly quickly.

What to do if your ZZ plant is turning yellow from underwatering:

  • Slowly start watering the houseplant, but don’t drench the soil. When a plant is suffering from lack of water, it can be tempting to do the exact opposite and start overwatering it. Be sparing with your water.
  • Make sure that you tip excess water out of the drainage saucer. Don’t allow the plant to sit in water.
  • If you want to boost health and nutrition, you can add soluble fertilizer to your water mix. Only mix it to half the dosage strength suggested on the package.
Why Does My ZZ Plant Have Yellow Leaves? - Smart Garden Guide (2)

How Much Water Does A ZZ Plant Need?

With overwatering and underwatering being the main causes of yellowing leaves, it is important to monitor your ZZ plant’s water requirements. How much you water your ZZ plant will depend on many factors such as the temperature, humidity, sunlight and ventilation of the growing environment, the size of the pot and your ZZ plant.

I’ve written an article all about how to know when your houseplants need water. Master this skill and you’ll not have to worry about watering problems in any of your indoor plants.

Most ZZ plant owners report being able to get away with watering once a week in summer and once every two or three weeks in winter. However, it is best to do a soil check before watering.

Let the soil dry out before you water the plant again. It is unhealthy to let the ZZ plant roots remain wet continuously. When you do water the plant, soak the soil generously. You should empty the saucer out no later than 30 minutes after watering so that the plant doesn’t stand in excess water.

Excessive Light Can Cause Yellow Leaves

ZZ plants can generally tolerate a range of light conditions. They tolerate low light quite well, making them an excellent houseplant for duller corners. However, they are less tolerant of excessive direct sunlight.

If your ZZ plant gets more than 4 hours of direct sunlight per day, consider lighting as being a cause for yellow leaves. With excessive light, the plant will be more likely to have brown patches or brown tips on the leaves due to sunburn.

If in doubt, move your ZZ plant to a location that gets bright but indirect light. This will exclude this potential problem and will hopefully aid the recovery of your plant.

Nutrient Imbalance Can Cause Yellow Leaves In ZZ Plants

Although quite tolerant of imperfect growing conditions, it is still entirely possible to get yellow leaves due to nutrient deficiency, or excessive application of fertilizer.

You should generally only fertilize ZZ plants monthly, with a balanced, water soluble fertilizer. Make it up at no more than half the recommended strength on the package, to avoid the risk of nutrient burn.

If you fertilize your ZZ plant more than once or twice per year, it is highly unlikely that nutrient deficiency will be the cause of the yellow leaves. If you have been fertilizing your ZZ plant more than once per month, or using a solution that is excessively strong, flush the pot out with plenty of water, to remove the excess nutrients. Alternatively, repot your ZZ plant in fresh, well draining potting media

How To Treat ZZ Plants With Yellow Leaves

We have already taken a look at what to do if root rot has set in, but what do you do with the rest of the plant. Yellowing leaves and discolored stems also need to be dealt with. First and foremost, remove the ZZ plant from its pot to rescue it from the soil condition if overwatering has been the problem. Follow these tips to correctly treat your ZZ plant:

  • Get rid of the affected areas. You can start by pruning off the yellow leaves. If every leaf is yellow, you may need to leave some on. The plant requires some leaves for photosynthesis.
  • Check the stems of the plant for contamination. If any of the stems are yellow, clip them off where they grow right down at the tuber. The plant should regrow healthily once recovery is underway.

It is important to act quickly when your ZZ plant starts showing signs of being sickly. At the first sign of yellow leaves, spend some time investigating the possible underlying causes. If you figure out why the leaves are changing color, you can work out a treatment plan that works for your specific plant.

What A ZZ Plant Needs To Be Happy

There are 3 main variables that your ZZ plant needs to be healthy and happy. These are a decent amount of light, the correct amount of water and moderate temperatures.

A thriving ZZ plant has thick waxy leaves that are firm and filled with water. Yellowing and leaves with dry tips are a sign that something is wrong. Your ZZ plant needs the following:


ZZ plants need plenty of brightindirect light. They don’t enjoy direct sunlight. If you leave your ZZ plant inhot direct sunlight, the leaves will start to burn. The plant will thrive in aroom that enjoys a lot of natural light.


Too much or too little water can be detrimental to the ZZ plant. You have to get the amount and timing just right. As mentioned above, you should water the plant after assessing the dryness of the soil and condition of the plant, in preference to watering on a strict schedule.


ZZ plants thrive in temperatures between 70°F to 90°F. These plants can survive in slightly colder temperatures of down to around 50°F. Any colder and the plant will start suffering.

Last Word

A ZZ plant is a great addition to any home that is looking for a beautiful, low maintenance house plant. If your plant’s leaves start yellowing, it’s most likely related to improper watering. Be prepared to change your watering schedule and hopefully your beloved ZZ plant will return to health once more.

Why Does My ZZ Plant Have Yellow Leaves? - Smart Garden Guide (2024)


Why Does My ZZ Plant Have Yellow Leaves? - Smart Garden Guide? â€ș

Too much moisture is the primary cause of leaf yellowing in these plants. However, under watering can also cause leaves to yellow and develop brown tips!

How do you improve yellow leaves? â€ș

Lower leaves are usually the first to start yellowing when a plant doesn't have enough of this element. Over time, your plants can use up all the nitrogen that your potting mix may come with, so repotting with fresh soil can help with this problem, too. Or, you can supplement with a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen.

Can yellow leaves turn green again? â€ș

When the leaf loses its chlorophyll, the plant abandons it and begins to absorb leftover nutrients from the leaf. That's why once the leaf turns yellow, you generally can't make it turn back green again. (Although in cases of nutrient deficiencies, sometimes yellow leaf color can green back up again with treatment.)

What is wrong with the plant that exhibits yellowish leaves? â€ș

Most yellow leaves trace back to one of these problems: Poor Drainage or Improper Watering. Root Damage or Compacted Roots. Inappropriate Soil pH.

How do you revive yellow leaves on a ZZ plant? â€ș

ZZ plant with yellow leaves: countermeasures

Remove your Zamioculcas from the pot and inspect the roots for damage. Anything that is squishy brown and rotten should be removed. You can now repot the rest of the plant in fresh soil. Be sure to use dry soil and mix it with about one-third sand.

How do I get my ZZ plant green again? â€ș

Correcting Yellowing Leaves
  1. 💧 Adjusting Watering Practices. Watering is a bit like a Goldilocks situation: too much, and your ZZ plant's roots drown; too little, and they parch. ...
  2. đŸ„Š Addressing Nutritional Deficiencies. ...
  3. 🐜 Pest Management. ...
  4. 💧 Proper Watering Techniques. ...
  5. đŸ„Š Balanced Nutrition. ...
  6. 🐜 Pest Prevention.
Dec 14, 2023

Does Epsom salt help yellow leaves? â€ș

There are a number of reasons why your lemon tree leaves could be turning yellow. The most common cause it a lack of magnesium in the soil. Epsom Salts helps correct magnesium deficiency, mix 30g of Epsom Salts per litre of water (approximately 2 tablespoons), per tree.

What fertilizer is good for yellow leaves? â€ș

Magnesium Deficiency

Signs: Leaves yellow with white stripes along still green veins. It usually first appears on lower limbs. Treatment: Add compost or fertilizer rich in magnesium sulfate (commonly known as Epsom salts) to the soil.

What is a solution for yellowing of leaves? â€ș

Leaves that are Yellow, Curling, and Drooping

If you notice your plant has yellow leaves that are curling inwards and the soil is dry to the touch, it's likely under-watered. You might also see older leaves falling off. To fix this, the solution is to water your plant.

What nutrient deficiency causes yellow leaves? â€ș

Nitrogen deficiencies cause lawns and the leaves of plants to turn a yellowish or bluish-green color if the soil nitrogen is not consistently replaced through the application of fertilizer.

How to tell if yellow leaves are from overwatering or underwatering? â€ș

Determine which by feeling the leaf showing browning: if it feels crispy and light, it is underwatered. If it feels soft and limp, it is overwatered. Yellowing leaves: Usually accompanied by new growth falling, yellow leaves are an indication of overwatering.

Can too much fertilizer cause yellow leaves? â€ș

Over-fertilizing. People often use too much fertilizer to make their plants grow faster. The excess salt in the soil from too much fertilizer “burns” the leaves causing them to turn yellow. In the case of houseplants, change the soil or leach it with large amounts of water to correct the balance.

What nutrient keeps leaves green? â€ș

Chlorophyll is a pigment that gives plants their green color, and it helps plants create their own food through photosynthesis.

Should I cut off yellow ZZ plant leaves? â€ș

However, it does need some attention. You can trim off any existing yellow or browning leaves and stalks now, then look for the cause.

How often should you water your ZZ plant? â€ș

Water your ZZ Plant every 2-3 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. Signs that it is thirsty include wilting, wrinkled leaves, and dry potting mix, while wet mix or yellowing and mushy leaves signal overwatering and root rot.

How do I know if my ZZ is overwatered? â€ș

How can I tell if I am overwatering my ZZ? Overwatering results in mushy brown stalks and yellowing of the leaves. Dropping leaves can also be an indication of overwatering. Hold off on watering and prune your plant.

What does an unhealthy ZZ plant look like? â€ș

ZZ plants have very few problems under proper care and conditions. Most troubles start with overwatering. Soft, weak, droopy leaves point to overly wet soil. Leaves of overwatered plants may turn yellow, then brown or black.

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