Using Django on your Raspberry Pi (2024)

This guide will show you how to install Django on to your Raspberry Pi.

Using Django on your Raspberry Pi (1)

For those who do not know, Django is a python-based web framework designed to be highly scalable.

Its ultimate goal is to allow web apps to be written quickly and with less code.

Being both open-source and free makes the Django framework an excellent choice for those wanting to build a web application using the Python language.

By following this guide, you will learn how to run Django web apps from your Raspberry Pi.

To get Django to run on your Raspberry Pi, we will need to install Apache and Python.


Below you can view the list of equipment we used when setting up Django on the Raspberry Pi.


  • Raspberry Pi
  • Micro SD Card (8GB+)
  • Ethernet Cable or Wi-Fi


  • Raspberry Pi Case
  • USB Keyboard
  • USB Mouse

We tested this tutorial on a Pi 400 running the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS Buster.

Preparing for Django on the Raspberry Pi

Before we install Django on our Raspberry Pi, we need to prepare it for the framework.

We need to set up two crucial components for Django, those being Apache and Python.

Setting up Apache2 for Django

In this section, you will quickly get Apache up and running on our Raspberry Pi so that we can use the Django software.

We will need to make some changes to our configuration file a bit further down the track but for now, let us get Apache installed.

1. Your first task is to set up and install the Apache webserver to your Raspberry Pi.

Our guide will walk you through the simple steps of getting the Apache software up and running.

You do not have to worry about setting up PHP

2. In addition to the base version of Apache, we will need to install some additional packages so that Apache can talk with Python.

We can install the relevant package by running the following command, on your Raspberry Pi

sudo apt install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3

This command will install the Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) for interacting with Python 3.

Setting up Python 3 for Django

Our next step is to install and configure Python 3 on our Raspberry Pi for Django.

The reason for this is that the Django framework runs using the Python programming language.

1. Let us start by installing Python 3 and all of our required dependencies.

We will be installing Python, its package manager, and its virtual environment software by running the following command.

sudo apt install python3 python3-venv python3-pip

Configuring Apache for Django

With both the Apache and Python software installed to our Raspberry Pi, let us now configure it all to run Django.

This configuration won’t work quite yet as we still need to get Django installed.

1. Let us begin by modifying the default configuration file for Apache.

You can edit this file using nano by running the command below.

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

2. Within this file, we will need to add some lines to tell Apache how it should handle our files.

In this case, we will be telling it to use Python to interpret the files within the directory.

First find the following line of text within the file


Once you have find the line, add the following text above it.

These lines are what sets up where our script will be stored and how it will be executed.

 Alias /static /home/pi/pidjango/static <Directory /home/pi/pidjango/static> Require all granted </Directory> <Directory /home/pi/pidjango/pidjango> <Files> Require all granted </Files> </Directory> WSGIDaemonProcess django python-path=/home/pi/pidjango python-home=/home/pi/pidjango/djenv WSGIProcessGroup django WSGIScriptAlias / /home/pi/pidjango/pidjango/

In this example, we will assume an app called “django” that will be stored within the folder “/home/pi/pidjango” on our Raspberry Pi.

We also set the home for Python to the location of our virtual environment which will eventually end up being stores in the “/home/pi/pidjango/djenv” directory.

3. With the details entered, you can save the file by pressing CTRL + X, then Y, then finally the ENTER key.

4. For our configuration changes to take effect, we will need to restart the Apache web service.

We can do that by running the following command to use the service manager to restart Apache.

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Installing and Running a New Django Website

Now that we have Apache set up to run Django on our Raspberry Pi, we can now install the software we need.

Setting up Django requires us to do a few different steps, such as creating a folder for the project to sit in.

We will also be making use of a Python virtual environment. A virtual environment will allow us to install Python packages specifically for that environment.

Setting up Folders for Django

Let us set up some folder for us to keep the Django framework on our Raspberry Pi

1. Let us make a directory where we will store our Django scripts and our Python virtual environment.

For this tutorial, we will create it within our home directory in a folder called “pidjango“.

We will also change into our newly created directory by using the

mkdir -p /home/pi/pidjango/staticcd /home/pi/pidjango

2. Within this directory, we can start by creating our new Python virtual environment.

python3 -m venv djenv

After running this command, you should now have a folder called “env” within the Django directory that we created.

When we install Django and any additional Python packages, they will be stored within this folder while using that virtual environment.

Installing Django on the Raspberry Pi

With all of our folders now setup and our virtual environment for Python ready, we can finally install Django.

By the end of the next couple of steps, you should have Django installed in your virtual environment and have a new project started.

1. With the virtual environment created, we need to use it as a source.

To use the virtual environment as a source, you need to run the following command.

source djenv/bin/activate

After running this command, you should see “(djenv)” at the start of the command line. This indicates that you are using our new virtual environment as a source.

2. Now that we are within our virtual environment, let us install the Django framework.

As Django is available as a Python package, let us run the following command to download it.

python3 -m pip install django

Running this command will allow you to download the latest available version of Django.

If you want to download a specific version of the framework, add == followed by the version number.

3. With Django installed, we can now create a brand new project.

We can run the following command, with the last bit of text being the project name.

django-admin startproject pidjango .

This will create all of the files you need to get started with Django and will allow us to verify we have set it up correctly.

Allowing Access to your Raspberry Pi Django Server

Before we can access our newly setup Django framework on our Raspberry Pi, we will need to modify its settings.

By default, Django is set up not to allow any access unless that specific IP or hostname has been added to the allowed list.

1. To allow access through our Raspberry Pi’s IP address, we need to retrieve it.

You can get the local IP address of your device by using the following command.

hostname -I

2. Let us edit the settings file. These settings are stored within a python file called ““.

We can begin editing the file using the nano text editor by running the following command.

nano /home/pi/pidjango/pidjango/

3. Within this file, you need to find the following line and modify it slightly.

Find the following line.


Replace with the following.


Make sure you replace “YOURIPADDRESS” with the IP address for your Raspberry Pi.

You can add additional IP addresses or hostnames by using a comma to separate each entry. All of these values are stored within a Python array.

4. Once done, save the file by pressing CTRL + X, then Y, followed by the ENTER key.

Viewing your Django Web App

Now that we have Django set up on our Raspberry Pi, we can finally see it in action.

1. In your favorite web browser, you will need to go to the following address. We use the http protocol as we haven’t set up a SSL certificate for this connection.


Make sure that you replace “YOURIPADDRESS” with the IP address for your Raspberry Pi.

2. Upon going to the IP address, you should be greeted with the Django welcome screen.

This screen indicates that you have successfully got the Django framework running on your Raspberry Pi.

Using Django on your Raspberry Pi (2)

You can now proceed to write your Django app. The official Django website provides a solid tutorial to get you started.


At this point, you should have the Django framework installed on your Raspberry Pi.

You should also have Apache set up so that it can actively serve your Django website.

To help yourself deal with Django better, be sure to check out some of our Python tutorials.

If you have any issues with this tutorial, please feel free to leave a comment below


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Using Django on your Raspberry Pi (2024)


Can I use Django on Raspberry Pi? ›

Being both open-source and free makes the Django framework an excellent choice for those wanting to build a web application using the Python language. By following this guide, you will learn how to run Django web apps from your Raspberry Pi.

Which platform is best for Django? ›


This platform currently manages a large number of users, with 17 million queries and 6 million repositories per year. Python and Django are the primary technologies behind this platform. Bitbucket employs Django for a variety of reasons. The first is the thousands-strong, thriving developer community.

Can you build websites with Django? ›

You can create your very own templates for the website using Html, CSS and JS. Modify URLS, link various pages and do a lot more with Django! For more details and information about the Django series check out their very own documentation at

Is GoDaddy good for Django? ›

Yes, GoDaddy supports websites and applications built using Django. However, the company recommends choosing a VPS hosting plan or a dedicated server plan for these apps. Once you choose a hosting plan, you can use the cPanel control panel to install Python and Django.

Which is better flask or Django? ›

Flask renders full control and is highly suitable for small projects that necessitate experimentation. Django is complicated and requires vast knowledge but it stands out as one of the best frameworks for building sophisticated applications.

What is Django w3schools? ›

What is Django? Django is a Python framework that makes it easier to create web sites using Python. Django takes care of the difficult stuff so that you can concentrate on building your web applications.

Is Django still relevant 2022? ›

YES. Django is still used by large number of companies (including Quora and YouTube itself). Django is still the best backend web framework(slightly better than flask).

Is Django enough for backend? ›

Absolutely! Django is a popular framework and continues to grow in popularity as more backend developers finally figure out that Python is way more powerful and yet easier to work with than PHP.

Do big companies use Django? ›

Some of the largest companies that use Django include YouTube, Google, and Instagram. In this guide, we will examine the top companies that use Django. Continue reading, as we look at the advantages of Django, how to learn it, and discuss some alternative frameworks.

Is Django easy to learn? ›

Django is the most popular Python web framework. But Django is also not the simplest technology to learn. It can take a long time before beginners are absolutely comfortable working with Django. However, it's important to have a good understanding of Python before diving into Django.

Which is better Django or react? ›

Regarding performance and speed, Django has the edge over ReactJS. Django's codebase is more compact and easier to debug. Additionally, Django's templating language is faster than ReactJS's virtual DOM. According to test data by Heroku's engineering team, Django templates are 2x as fast as React's virtual DOM.

Can you build front end with Django? ›

You'll build the front end of your web app using Django templates, which the framework renders by request to HTML pages that your users will get to interact with.

How much does Django cost? ›

Website domains can cost just a few dollars, while hosts can charge anywhere from $30 to $600. Next, you may want to hire a Django website specialist to help develop your website, and their hourly rate will often sit between $60 to $80.

Does Django need a web server? ›

Django, being a web framework, needs a web server in order to operate. And since most web servers don't natively speak Python, we need an interface to make that communication happen. Django currently supports two interfaces: WSGI and ASGI.

What web server does Django use? ›

Django's primary deployment platform is WSGI, the Python standard for web servers and applications. Django's startproject management command sets up a minimal default WSGI configuration for you, which you can tweak as needed for your project, and direct any WSGI-compliant application server to use.

How many days will it take to learn Django? ›

As with any skill, learning how to master Django takes time and practice. If you already know Python and are familiar with technical concepts like terminology authentication, URL routing and API, you may be able to learn all you need to use Django in as little as two to three weeks.

Does Netflix use Flask? ›

This is a Python library that helps keep track of tasks that are present in the queue and allows their execution thereby allowing the management of asynchronous workloads. Flask: Finally, Netflix uses Flask (Python Web Development library) API's to bind all of the previous segments together.

Does Instagram use Django? ›

So is one among them called Instagram as many of us know. Instagram at present highlights the usage of the Django web application framework, which is composed completely in Python. For the web, by far most of the engineers have transitioned to using two well-known frameworks, Django and Flask.

Is Django worth learning? ›

I would suggest that you learn Django. The reason being that Django is more structured and you learn good development principles. It gives you a very good project structure that you can use. Once you have a very good grip on Django learn to use Django REST, and now you can build api end points very easily with Django.

What can I build with Django? ›

Top Django Projects To Work On
  • Email Sender Using Django/Python.
  • Login System in Django.
  • Text to HTML Generator.
  • Build a Chat App.
  • Regex Query Tool.
  • Calorie Counter App.
  • Password Safe App.
  • Hospital Management System.

Is Django front end or backend? ›

Django is an open-source framework for backend web applications based on Python — one of the top web development languages.

What is the salary of Python Django developer? ›

A mid-level Django Developer (with 6-8 years of experience) can earn an average annual remuneration of around Rs. 5.8 – 10 LPA or more. Professionals having more than 10-12 years of field experience can earn high salaries ranging between Rs. 15 – 28 LPA and more.

Should I learn Django or PHP? ›

Django is actively developed. More and more developers are leaning towards python. PHP is still used for many websites and you may get benefit from it. If you are learning web development from the beginning then I would suggest Django.

Does YouTube use Django? ›

The largest video hosting platform YouTube is a part of Google Company, which uses Python and Django framework in many of its projects. YouTube is no exception. In fact, the entire gigantic platform is written on this framework.

When should you not use Django? ›

When not to use Django
  1. Your app is extremely huge, and you cannot keep everything in a single codebase. ...
  2. You need to build a very basic app, which does not require database, file operations, or anything even remotely complex. ...
  3. You want to build everything from scratch, and you know what you're doing.
29 Aug 2018

Is Django obsolete? ›

There is a future at least 10 years out. No django dev is becoming obsolete for at least a decade. We are literally just entering the era of python.

Should I use Nodejs or Django? ›

Node. js is superior in building robust, scalable apps and capabilities to handle thousands of requests, while Django, too, is excellent to handle thousands of requests and high-traffic apps. Both platforms are suitable for building scalable apps.

Does NASA use Django? ›

Which famous apps use Django? The list of best Django apps includes Instagram, Spotify, YouTube, Mozilla, NASA, Dropbox, and Venmo.

Does Spotify still use Django? ›

Python is used for Spotify's back-end services and data analysis. And Spotify uses a Django app or two to increase functionality.

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2. Django works on Python. The framework is based on Python — a high-level, dynamic, and interpreted programming language, well-loved by developers. Although it...
Python web application development with Django requires little effort and shorter code. Python also has extensive libraries which make it easy to learn, impleme...
Django remains in the top ten for the most loved web frameworks. Assuming this is for good reason, what is Django used for? Well, web development would be the s...

Which server is used by Django? ›

Django's primary deployment platform is WSGI, the Python standard for web servers and applications. Django's startproject management command sets up a minimal default WSGI configuration for you, which you can tweak as needed for your project, and direct any WSGI-compliant application server to use.

Which is better Django or react? ›

Regarding performance and speed, Django has the edge over ReactJS. Django's codebase is more compact and easier to debug. Additionally, Django's templating language is faster than ReactJS's virtual DOM. According to test data by Heroku's engineering team, Django templates are 2x as fast as React's virtual DOM.

Is spring boot better than Django? ›

Django and Spring Boot are part of the tech stack's "Frameworks (Full Stack)" category. Developers choose Django because of its "rapid development," "open-source," and "great community,". But, Spring Boot gets preference because of its "powerful and handy," "easy setup," and "Java."

Is YouTube built on Django? ›

The largest video hosting platform YouTube is a part of Google Company, which uses Python and Django framework in many of its projects. YouTube is no exception. In fact, the entire gigantic platform is written on this framework.

Is Django better than PHP? ›

Conclusion. Django is a great and popular framework with support for advanced technologies like machine learning. On the other hand, PHP is an easy-to-learned programming language that can create web applications.

Is Django worth learning? ›

I would suggest that you learn Django. The reason being that Django is more structured and you learn good development principles. It gives you a very good project structure that you can use. Once you have a very good grip on Django learn to use Django REST, and now you can build api end points very easily with Django.

Does Django need a web server? ›

Django, being a web framework, needs a web server in order to operate. And since most web servers don't natively speak Python, we need an interface to make that communication happen. Django currently supports two interfaces: WSGI and ASGI.

Is Django becoming obsolete? ›

There is a future at least 10 years out. No django dev is becoming obsolete for at least a decade. We are literally just entering the era of python.

Can you build front end with Django? ›

You'll build the front end of your web app using Django templates, which the framework renders by request to HTML pages that your users will get to interact with.

Should I learn Django or React first? ›

Should I learn React or Django? We recommend going with Django for the backend and Reactjs for the frontend. The Django Rest framework will be used to connect the frontend (Reactjs) with the backend (Django). If you are more comfortable with Python or JavaScript, you can decide based on this.

How much do Django developers make? ›

As of April 2022, the average Django developer salary was $107,767 or $52 per hour. However, the highest is $158,000 and the lowest is $68,000.

Should I learn Spring or Django 2022? ›

Both of them are better. This depends upon the needs and requirements of the user. If someone wants to build a massive application can go with Django because it is easy to make such an application as Django.

Is Django faster than Java? ›

Here some comparison of Python/Django stack over Java/Spring stack: Python/Django feels quicker and lighter than Java/Spring stack which result in productivity boost.

Can I get a job after learning Python and Django? ›

Yes. People have been using Django development to earn a living. So, if you intend to find a job as a Python Web Developer, the recommendation is to choose Django. The explosion of machine learning and 'Big Data' led to Python developers becoming even more popular.

Does Spotify use Django? ›

Spotify contains a vast amount of data and enables users to listen to music on any device. To handle this, Spotify uses Python alongside Django.

Does Instagram use Django? ›

So is one among them called Instagram as many of us know. Instagram at present highlights the usage of the Django web application framework, which is composed completely in Python. For the web, by far most of the engineers have transitioned to using two well-known frameworks, Django and Flask.

› blog › python-django-top-fra... ›

Python is a general-purpose programming language. We can use python for so many applications including web applications. Framework is a collection of modules or...

Top 10 Django Apps Examples › blog › django-apps-examples › blog › django-apps-examples
Clean and simple, fast and reliable, flexible and scalable. These are the exact reasons why many companies across industries choose to build Django web apps. Th...

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.