The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

MONDAY, JUNE 1976 SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR, INDIANA PAGE ELEVEN Stfat Demo Convention Opens Tonight In Indy 14. Lot trerjer Six Die In Drowning Accidents Ycur Food Costs with INDIANAPOLIS (AP) The Democratic State Convention open here tonight and with several bows before the noon deadline, four candidates have filed for the party's attorney general nomination and two BICENTENNIAL BARGAINS TOTAL SATISFACTION GUAIAHTEE fvarythmj vou buy at Krogar la guaramaatl lor your lolal aalialaclion rooartnaaa mmSTi "raHX aauaHad. Kroaa. Mil Mm, th. oomparafeaa brand or rahmo your monay Wa Mo ouaramaa thai wa ao awrytlung our pom, hava omnia auppbaa Ml advanlMd ipaeiala on our ahorvoa wnan yow thop lor thorn a.

ova to conditiona bayone our Mrttroiara run ota of an aaVarUaao' apacial, wawtn aubalttulafha aama Ham aoomparaMa 51 JL" r11" 1 or. you pratat. gM you a arMlaa you to lha aama attnntaatl paclaial tha aama aoaeial I prtca any lU'i ay witnffi JO doyi others are entered in the school superintendent race. Democrats picked their candidates for governor, lieutenant governor and U.S. senator in the May primary.

The 2,244 state convention delegates will fill out the fail slate when they select candidates for attorney general, school superintendent and court reporter in a floor session beginning at 10 a.m. Tuesday. Indianapolis attorneys Theodore D. Wilson, the party's 1972 candidate; Virginia Dill McCarty and Jonathan I. Birge along with State Rep.

Greg Reising, D-Gary, filed last week for attorney general. State Sens. Graham Richard of Fort Wayne and Burnett C. Bauer of South Bend are officially entered as candidates for state school superintendent. A third candidate.

State Rep. Paul J. Hric, D-Hammond, had indicated he might enter the school superintendent's race before today'snoon filing Copyright 1976 Tha Krogar Co. Quantity right ratarvod. Itami A pricat good In Saymour Krogar flora Juno 14 thro Juna 16, 1976.

HEED A GARAGE PORCH ROOM ADDITION? CONTACT: KEN COLVIN COLVIN CONSTRUCTION CO. DAY OR NIGHT 522-7170 INSURED SATISFACTION GUARANTEED) Whole ijrlwiizerCtMON SPECIAL VI Loins Sliced into Chops Froe 5-lb. bag 9 5-lb. bag mrrCm oniol Suna By The Associated Press Six persons lost their lives in drowning accidents over the weekend. The latest to die was 18-month-old Joathon Jackson whose body was found by Crawford County rescue workers in SO feet of water at bottom of a well on his parents' farm one mile north of Ecker- ty.

State Police said the boy was reported missing at 8:15 and was found three hours later. Police said Paul Grubert, 22, of Elkhart apparently drowned In a lake north of Elkhart at 3:15 p.m. Sunday. Officers said the Grubert had been swimming with friends off a pontoon boat when winds pushed the boat out of reach. The search for the body by police divers was to resume today.

Reginald Bush, 18, of Gary drowned Saturday morning while rafting at an unguarded area of Marquette Beach near' Gary, police said. A Butler University graduate student from India drowned in a Hamilton County gravel pit Saturday. The victim was identified as Vijavaraghavan Nandakumar, 26. Daniel Ellis, 26, of Greenwood, said he tried to save his companion, but "He leaped on my back and we both went under. I tried to calm htm, and I yelled to people on the shore.

"They Just stood there looking," Ellis said. He said he finally broke away and made It to shore. Nandakumar's body was recovered by police divers In 85 feet of water. Wayne County authorities said Hubert Rutherford, 49, of Richmond drowned after his fishing boat capsised Saturday on a small pond north of the city. Officers said Rutherford disappeared beneath the surface when his large German Shepherd repeatedly tried to climb on his back.

Gregory D. Rati, 17, of Brookville drowned while swimming in the East Fork of the Whitewater River, police said. A companion, Scott Rowetette of Brookville, said he threw the victim a life preserver Just as he went underwater. with the purchase of six 60-75-100 watt WStilIMS Sft Whit Llht lilks Limit 1 bag with this coupon S10 purchast Kaowiar artea without eauoon 8 Ijii3C0 Subract to appUcaMa Slaw Local Salaa b. Oood Juno 14 thru JtMM 1A 1B7a Na It Jl UmM a coupon flAAAAA.

ii wwu illinium hi AAnl I The only unopposed candidate is Leigh Newhauser of Scotts-burg, who is seeking the nomi- nation for court State Democratic Chairman Billy K. Triiler said Sunday night he couldn't predict whether his continuing dispute over selection of Jimmy Carter's delegates to the party's national convention next month will erupt into fullscale warfare in tonight's 11 district caucus meetings. Marion County Democratic Chairman William M. Schrei-ber, Carter's national delegate agent in Indiana, bad said earlier he was "very hopeful" the dispute between himself and Trisler could be worked out before the 6 p.m. caucus meetings.

But Trisler said late Sunday he was "refraining from all comment" oh the subject. And he said he had no plans for further negotiations with Schrei-ber. Indiana will send 75 delegates to the national convention in New York City. Carter, who won 68 per cent of the vote in the May 4 Indiana presidential primary, will get 51 delegates. Fourteen will be uncommitted.

And 10 won by Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace will be free to vote as they choose, since Wallace released bis delegates last week. The dispute between Trisler and Schreiber centers not on how the delegates will vote they are bound on the first ballot but on who will represent Carter at the national convention. Shreiber, backed by the Democratic National Committee, has certified a hand-picked slate of SI delegate candidates.

Trisler, who has been less than enthusiastic about the former, Georgia governor, wants the Carter delegates picked In an open election. He has his own slate of 66 delegate candidates, thought to be more likely to defect from the Carter camp should the national con-' vention deadlock. The dispute lost some of its glow when Carter began picking up support for a first ballot nomination two weeks ago, but said he will bring a challenge before the party's national credentials committee if Trisler' delegates win Monday's election. The delegate fight if it develops may be only the start of the Democratic fireworks. Wilson and Mrs.

McCarty, a staunch women's rights advocate, are neck-and-neck in the frontrunner position for the KPBWBaWMi Mini-Mizer COUPON SPECIAL one Aquo-AidA lit 5 faa Fitters out rust. Iron, chemical MttM. odor, aadlmant and din. $97150 VttliilllUI juyui with the purchase of three 50-100-150 watt Wutli-iHsa J-Wiy Ux Limit 1 bag with this coupon S10 purchasa U.S. Gov't.

Inaoaetad Youngar Whole A UirverPftoed Baby Bert a a ShtoMwCrtwiw Chock Roast Cartridge included 0 apoiicabta Sana Looal Sataa juna lm thru Juna 1(7 CO-OPutornatle WATER CONDITIONERS iii ill I I X. I Sllead Ih. B9e I 1 St1 a nini-Dzcr COUPON SPECIAL 1ZI aSl $269 $339 FOR OUR BEST MODEL MoeW UCtXX 210.000 Waatly Grain Capacity 4UC-XVI Kroftf U.SJ)JL Grade Eggs Men Tokeys Livers Wimi 112.000 Waakly Grain Capacity mm siesiBSktw asssssaw mm jw If Vow raliabla local comparative 1 I Laaaar Amountt lb. 49t jILJIl Ofr Limit 2 dot. with this coupon and $10 purchai I MWV JACXSQR COUNTY LZd nm bureau co-op LocsW lalH Tsu 0 I mm am unit a.

thru Juna t. 1S7S WEST 2ND ST. 522-4911 Dismal Sttclil ISwpi Minl-RlizeC COUPON SPECIAL ft Iwi'Lif nnn on SNtltlBt Nft-DBtll mm mm i Dean Coffee mm 8 99 Sim 66: Limit 1 baa with this coupon li S10 purchata SuMact la aaatieaMa Stala local talaa Taa Oooa Juna 14 Ittru Juna 1. 1S7S I IslalUaka I AT N. 11VlftflillllWinftAAC 0-24 MMHHMMHM Li SI "ll i I rir rim ffHa ataMafaallJI I I gjj gia ann i ri I I mm Mini-Mizer COUPON SPECIAL izi KrMer 1 i a Sliced Dclcgna '-jjJ Cleaner Air, Electric Cam Today, electric carts hum over golf courses.

'Tomorrow, millions of non-polluting electric cars may buzz along the highways. Soon after the turn of the century In 1910 there were nearly 100 electric car manufacturers In this country. But by the thirties, electric buggies were replaced by larger, faster, gas-run cars. The trend in England, though, is already reversing itself. There are 70,000 electric cars and trucks already on the road there.

Although about a thousand Americans commute to work in electric cars these days, there are serious drawbacks. Most models have a limited travel range of 35 miles before recharging Is necessary. At the government's Argonne National Laboratory, engineers have now developed a superbattery, made of lithium-based cells, which delivers five times the power of conventional lead-acid batteries. Recharging after 120 to 150 miles can be done overnight by plugging the car's "engine" into a 220-volt electrical outlet. The new battery bas already been used successfully in at least one 1975 model car.

The battery is three feet long and weighs much less than the conventional type. On the highway, say the engineers, the new electrically driven car can accelerate to SO miles per hour In IS seconds. Top speed Is 80 mph. Some experts predict that 20 per cent of car sales could go to the "electrics" by the end of the century, thus saving almost a million barrels of oil per day. To find out some other nTays to fight air pollution, persons may contact the lung association the "Christmas Seal" people.

It's a Matter of Life and Breath. i Discount Special Homeatyle or Buttermilk DIscdYs -L. ft 1-1 I 1WW Discount Special Clover Volley Ice r.lilk n48 UmH 4 oka with this Ik nomination for attorney general. But Birge, who says he has talked to delegates in most of the state's 92 counties, says the race is wide open and won't be decided on the first ballot. Wilson beat Mrs.

McCarty for the 1972 nomination, when Wilson was the first black ever nominated by either party for election to a statewide office and Mrs. McCarty was the first woman ever to file for the position- Either would help balance what is now an all-white, all-male slate. Wilson ran about 150,000 votes ahead of Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern in 1972. But that wasn't good enough to overcome former President Nikon's 600,000 vote victory margin. This year, he's complaining Mrs.

McCarty has cut into his This year, he's complaining Mrs. McCarty has cut into his fundraising efforts since she signed en It months ago as chief counsel for Marion County Prosecutor James F. Kelley, her former law partner. And observers say he may have lost support from Lake County and Gary Mayor Richard G. Hatcher, one of his strong supporters In 1972, when Reising entered the race.

Reising la a law partner of Gary city attorney Charles Ruck man. The fourth candidate, Birge, shares a law office with former Gov. Matthew E. Welsh. The school superintendent's race began heating up last week.

Bauer, who filed for the slot after he was defeated In his bid for renomination last month, sent out press releases saying Graham, an educational consultant, had too many ties within the system to be an objective superintendent. Richard, a first term senator, was not up for re-flection this year. In the Senate, be bas been a close ally of Senate Oi-nority Caucus Chairman Thomas Teague, the party's lieutenant governor nominee. coupon iu purcnaso c-j i i. aajuiar ailoa twHnawi awaan- JT 04 Juna 14 Vu Juna It.

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Sendak also urged Hoosiers to listen carefully to terms of the sale and read all contracts before signing anything. A laser beam "reads" a series of lines, bars and numbers called The Universal Product Code (UPC) and a computer identifies the purchase and "rings up" the correct price. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has no authority over UPC, it has regulatory responsibility for certain products thai emit electronic rays, including lasers. 2000 EAST TIPTON STREET ana- aaaka. Or aMnt aar aablart.

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The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.