Red Thai Curry Recipe with Tofu (2024)

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byAndrew Olson

I’m lucky enough to live in a city where there are several amazing vegan-friendly Thai restaurants; green curries, yellow curries, red curries, tom yum soup, pad see ew, pad Thai, and of course Thai iced tea with coconut milk. Amazing vegan Thai food is never more than a few blocks away.

Naturally, I’ve been inspired to start exploring Thai cooking at home lately, and I thought I’d share my recipe for a classic Thai curry: a coconut-based red curry with plenty of veggies and tofu. It’s super easy to make (like 25 minutes from start to finish) and the flavors are incredibly authentic.

Now, the biggest component of a Thai curry recipe is the curry paste, which gives the dish its distinctive flavor and color. Normally I would have you hunt down kaffir limes and lemongrass and have you grind out the paste yourself in a mortar and pestle… but not today. As I was searching through the grocery store for all these crazy ingredients with the intention of making my own paste, I found this stuff:

Red Thai Curry Recipe with Tofu (2)

Surprisingly, it’s made with nothing a handful of real ingredients, it’s available pretty much everywhere, costs 3 bucks, and tastes almost as good as homemade curry paste. As much as I hate the principle of using pre-made foods in jars, this is a worthwhile exception… unless you actually enjoy spending 4 hours looking for kaffir limes, this Thai Kitchen curry paste is perfect.

Red Thai Curry Recipe with Tofu (3)

Makes 3-4 servings


  • 1 small yellow onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 3 tablespoons red curry paste
  • 12 oz light coconut milk
  • 1-2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 12 oz extra firm tofu
  • 1-2 thai chilis
  • 1 lime (juice + zest)
  • 8 basil leaves
  • Brown basmati rice, for serving

Step One

Finely mince the onion, garlic, and fresh ginger. Add these to a large skillet over medium heat with a splash of water and allow to soften for about 5 minutes, until the onions turn slightly translucent.

Step Two

Next, add in a sliced red bell pepper and sliced crimini mushrooms along with about 3 tablespoons of the infamous red curry paste and stir until the paste is evenly coating the veggies.

Meanwhile, you should probably start cooking some rice unless you already have leftovers.

Step Three

Add in the coconut milk and soy sauce. A classic thai curry would have fish sauce, but since that isn’t quite going to cut it in our vegan version, soy sauce is an excellent substitute. Stir for a minute or two until the paste has dissolved into the liquid and everything is looking beautiful.

Red Thai Curry Recipe with Tofu (4)

Step Four

Cut the extra firm tofu into fairly large cubes and use a paper towel to squeeze out some excess water. Toss these into the pan along with the juice and zest of 1 lime and, if you’d like extra heat, 1-2 minced red thai* chilis.

* If the thai chili plant in your garden is languishing as badly as mine and doesn’t actually have any chilis yet, feel free to substitute Anaheim, jalapeño, or anything else you have on hand.

Red Thai Curry Recipe with Tofu (5)

Step Five

Finally, allow this to simmer uncovered for at least 15 minutes, until the curry reduces and becomes slightly thicker, then add in a few sliced fresh basil leaves and cook for just another minute or so. At this point, give it a taste and add some salt or more curry paste if needed. When it’s perfect, ladle over fresh brown rice and enjoy.



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  1. I may have just changed the dinner menu.


    • That’s what I like to hear! 😀 I hope you enjoy the recipe, Anne!


  2. I LOVE Thai curry and I agree with you about the labor involved in homemade. Plus I would have to travel too far to get the ingredients and pay a premium price that is out of my budget anyway. Thanks for this recipe, it looks very doable and (importantly) affordable. YUM!


  3. Love making Thai food at home! I actually bought a kaffir lime tree online, just so I could have the leaves ready for making my own curry paste and tom yum soup.

    Sadly, my Thai basil looks about as happy as yours…not even any flowers yet!


  4. I want to make Thai curry dish, but first I need a bit more information. Are there known levels of heat in the red, green and yellow curry paste?

    Thanks so much.


  5. Andrew, this sounds delicious! I’m going to get brave and give it a try! (I say brave bc I’m not a fan of spicy food)


    • Very cool, Catherine! Honestly, I didn’t find the chili paste to be very hot at all. It’s more about the fresh chilis that you add into the dish that will determine the heat level, so feel free to omit those if you aren’t a fan of the spiciness.


  6. This looks soo delicious! Sharing this recipe link with a vegetarian friend♥ She is gonna love this cuz she is a vegetarian, loves tofu and curry! Thanks!


  7. Oddly, the Thai Kitchen red curry paste sold here in Switzerland is not vegan (it contains fish sauce). I was about to warn you about this, but first I looked up their US website and saw that over there it IS vegan. Now I feel cheated! A word of warning to readers abroad though; familiar-looking products are not always the same everywhere.


    • Oh bummer! Yes the one here actually says “vegan” on the front and doesn’t have fish sauce. That’s disappointing. I guess you’ll have to hunt down those kaffir limes and make your own… 🙂


  8. This was yummy!!! Thank you for the recipe!! I will definitely make it again!


  9. I make this exact dish that I came up with on my own, only addition is 2 TBS coconut sugar. The sweetness makes everything pop.


    • Ooh, I actually think a little sweetness could go a long way in this curry. That’s a great idea and I’ll try it next time I make this one. Thanks for the suggestion!


  10. I made this to have with some friends tonight and everyone enjoyed it! I added some snow peas, bamboo shoots, water chestnuts and a little coconut sugar – so colourful and tasty. Thanks for the recipe!


  11. Andrew this recipe looks amazing! After my trip to Thailand last year I’m more obsessed than ever with Thai food lol.
    This is my go to red curry paste – love it! Pinning!


  12. I made this one tonight, except mine was with mushrooms, eggplant, green beans and carrot strands, and served over rice noodles. Yum! It ended up extra spicy since I used a red jalapeño pepper that was extremely hot! Awesome recipe, as usual! 😀


  13. Wow!!! Make this today!!! I loved it. I made one substitution since I did not have a hot pepper…1 tsp of sriracha did the trick. I will definitely be making this again. Thanks, Andrew.


  14. I am making this for dinner tonight. I just sampled it and it is amazing! Thank you for sharing this recipe.


    • I really couldn’t say how long it stores. I think I finished the leftovers the next day. Should last 2-3 days at least, though!


  15. I just made this and it is so delicious!!


  16. Thanks Andrew!! Has anyone ever tried to freeze it? …not sure how tofu does thawing 🙂


  17. Made this last night and had the leftovers for lunch today! Great flavor and so easy to make! We will definitely be adding this to the regular rotation of 1IC recipes in our kitchen!

    A question – the mushrooms gave off their juice while the curry was simmering and it was a tad watery. Would you recommend sauteeing those with the onions so that the juice can reduce or is that liquid needed in the end?


  18. hi andrew! i made this for my lunches at work all week so i doubled it but it was SO great. i cannot rave about it enough. i put it over jasmine rice. i didnt get sick of it at all after 5 days either and it stored super well. i cant wait to make it again! thank you!


    • Nice! I’m glad you liked it, Gina. Thanks for reporting back and letting us know that it keeps for so long!


  19. Why lite coconut milk? Did full fat make the curry too thick??


    • Yes, it would be too thick and add a ton of extra fat. You can always cut a can of full-fat into lite by mixing with equal parts water.


  20. I made this tonight and it was wonderful!!!! It is being added to the make again list!!


  21. It was one of the best thai red curry i have ever made! Thank you for the recipe!


    • Nice! I’m so glad you liked it, Elif! 🙂


  22. I just made this Thai soup and you blow my mind. Knock my socks off craziness. Yesterday I had the mushroom soup and my husband thinks the food I am serving him is from a restaurant.
    I just had to tell you that on behalf of my whole family and myself…
    We love you.
    Thank you for your deliciousness.


    • Oh, I’m so happy to hear that! Thank you, Keri 🙂


  23. I am not usually a big fan of tofu but that recipe was excellent. I didn’t have red curry paste but I had the green. Delicious. I used firm organic tofu and added snow peas. Bonus: there is leftover for tomorrow’s lunch! 😉


    • Very cool! I’m glad to hear this also works well as a green curry.


  24. I followed your recipe but with a different brand of red curry paste (which I used earlier but failed). It turned out to be the best red curry on par with restaurant made. Thanks a bunch for your awesome recipe.


    • Yay! 🙂 I’m so glad to hear that it turned out well for you.


  25. This was amazing! I’ll be making again.

    I left out a couple of ingredients that I did not have on hand — mushrooms, chilis, and basil leaves — but it was still excellent!


  26. Made this tonight with full fat organic coconut milk and it was delicious! This definitely is a keeper. Thank you.


  27. I made this tonight and it was fantastic, especially since I got to use up some extra creminis I had sitting in my fridge. I changed a few things: pan-fried the tofu first and added bean sprouts, and since I didn’t have chilis I used some sriracha to pump the spice a bit. I’m soooo looking forward to leftovers. Great recipe; I’ll use it again!


  28. I am thinking of making this. Can I use canned mushrooms instead of fresh?


    • I have never seen canned mushrooms, but I’m sure that would be fine.


  29. This is the best tofu thai red curry I have had, including restaurant ones !
    I added my own twist by adding a tbsp of crunchy peanut butter towards the end ,which deepened the flavour even further.


    • Nice! I’m so glad you liked it. 🙂 Peanut butter sounds like an amazing addition.


  30. Oh My Goodness!!!
    I made this for dinner last night – so AMAZING!!!

    Thank you for your recipe – it’s now a favourite in our home!


  31. The curry was great and I had a little more veggies!


    • Awesome, Lori! I’m so glad you liked it… more veggies is always a good thing 🙂


  32. YES! So much yes. This exceeded expectations and really was quite simple. THANK YOU!


    • That is awesome to hear, Liz! 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed this one!


  33. I have been making this recipe for more than two years now, every time I make for guests I get so many compliments! I’ve been to numerous Thai restaurants in San Diego and L.A. and nothing compares to this recipe. Since Thai chilies are very hard to find where I live, I substitute it with 1 chile serrano or (my favorite) 1/4 tsp red chili powder that I got it from a middle eastern store.

    Thank you for this amazing recipe!


    • Oh, that’s so cool. I’m glad you like it so much… thanks for taking the time to let me know, it made me really happy to hear that 🙂


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Red Thai Curry Recipe with Tofu (2024)


Should you fry tofu before adding to curry? ›

About Tofu Curry

To begin with, first you will get rid of the excess moisture from the tofu and marinate it with spices and herbs for a short time until the curry is ready. It is then pan-fried and then added to the delicious curry sauce. So the Tofu in the Curry is full-flavored with a excellent texture!

How many calories in Thai red curry with tofu? ›

A comforting dish that will please both vegans and meat-eaters - This curry is creamy, flavorful and delicious, that will even leave omnivores wanting for more ! Hearty, filling yet healthy - This vegan Thai red curry is packed full of veggies, and only contains about 350 calories per serving.

How do Thai restaurants make curry so creamy? ›

Often, Thai curries are made using coconut milk as the main liquid, which results in a creamy consistency. You can use as much or as little coconut milk as you wish based on your preference for texture, spice, and flavor.

What is the strongest Thai curry? ›

In general, Thai yellow curry is the mildest, Thai red curry is medium-hot and Thai green curry is spicy, although it can sometimes vary depending on what region of Thailand you are in.

What happens if you don't press tofu before cooking? ›

And if tofu is vacuumed packed or firm already, you definitely don't need to press it. Here's why: moisture in tofu is a good thing. Tofu is over 80% water, and that moisture is what makes it such a succulent, juicy source of protein. Pressing it can make the tofu unnecessarily dry and strip it of its intended texture.

What happens if you don't drain tofu before cooking? ›

Here's the thing: even though tofu might be labeled firm or extra-firm, it contains a lot of water. This excess water can cause the tofu to crumble when you cook it, and it will also have a hard time crisping up. But when you press tofu, you remove the excess moisture.

What's the lowest calorie Thai curry? ›

How Many Calories in a Bowl of Thai Curry?
Thai CurryApproximate Calories per Serving
Green Curry (Gaeng Keow Wan)300-400 calories
Yellow Curry (Gaeng Karee)300-400 calories
Red Curry (Gaeng Phet)350-450 calories
Massaman Curry (Gaeng Massaman)400-500 calories
3 more rows

Which Thai curry is low calorie? ›

Green curry is a healthier version of Thailand's yellow curry. The green sauce is lower in calories and a great option for those looking to make diet-friendly substitutions to their favorite dishes. For additional benefits, order extra vegetables and a lean protein like chicken to complete the meal.

How much protein is in Thai red curry? ›

Per serving: Calories 300, Fat 10 g (Saturated 7 g, Trans 0 g), Cholesterol 60 mg, Sodium 510 mg, Carbohydrate 24 g (Fibre 7 g, Sugars 6 g), Protein 27 g.

Is it better to use coconut cream or milk in Thai curry? ›

Coconut milk and cream are mostly interchangeable in recipes such as curries and soups. If you prefer a richer flavour and texture, try coconut cream or vice versa. However, be careful when substituting coconut milk and cream in baked goods.

What is the secret to restaurant Thai curry? ›

The secret to making amazing Thai curries is to use plenty of aromatics, like onion, ginger and garlic. Choose full-fat coconut milk for its richness (you won't regret it!). Stirring in just a little bit of rice vinegar and sugar adds tons of complexity.

Are you supposed to put rice in Thai curry? ›

It is the foundation of the meal - everything is to be eaten with rice in the same bite. What is this? If there's soup on the table you'll be given a little bowl for your soup, but you will not be given a separate bowl for curry. Curries can get spooned straight onto your rice.

What is the most popular Thai curry flavor? ›

Green curry is considered the most popular curry. With coconut milk as one of the main ingredients, there is a hint of sweet flavoring as well. Because the green curry paste is made with green chilis, it is far hotter than other curries.

What can I use instead of coconut milk in Thai curry? ›

8 best substitutes for coconut milk
  • Shredded coconut (and a blender)
  • Coconut cream.
  • Plant-based milk and coconut oil.
  • Coconut water and plant-based milk.
  • Coconut cream.
  • Milk or plant-based milk.
  • Evaporated milk.
  • Heavy cream or half-and-half.
Dec 30, 2022

What color Thai curry is the best? ›

Green curry is considered the most popular curry in Thai cuisine. The green color of Thai green curry sauce has become more vibrant over the years with the addition of fresh coriander (cilantro), makrut lime leaf and peel, and basil.

Should you fry tofu before marinating? ›

Cold, raw tofu rejects marinades because of its high water content and low porosity. It will eventually suck up a marinade, but mostly on the surface, and only after a long, long time (think a couple of days). Par-cooking it speeds up the process by driving out some of that water, leaving more room for seasonings.

Should tofu be cooked before adding to soup? ›

You can put raw tofu in the soup and let it simmer for 10 to 15 minutes to warm and flavor it. Tofu can be eaten raw, so it's no problem to add it raw to soups.

Should you fry paneer before adding to curry? ›

Whether or not you need to fry paneer before cooking depends on the specific recipe you are following. Frying paneer can enhance its texture, add a crispy outer layer, and help it hold its shape during cooking. However, it is not always necessary, and some recipes may call for using paneer as is, without frying.

Can you eat tofu without frying it? ›

How to safely eat raw tofu. While tofu comes in a variety of textures — silken, firm, and extra firm — technically any of them can be eaten raw. Before enjoying raw tofu, drain off any excess liquid from the packaging. It's also important to store tofu properly to prevent germs from growing on any unused portions.

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