How to Use AI for SEO (Effectively) (2024)

By Paul Schmidt

Using AI for SEO is exciting, but make sure you’re managing your expectations and know what you’re doing up front. If you’re not confident you’re doing those things, we’ve got you! Let’s cover some basics.

AI for SEO 101

What is AI for SEO, anyway?

AI for SEO refers to the art and science of using artificial intelligence tools to boost a website's search engine results page ranking.

How can AI tools improve your SEO strategy?

AI tools can improve your SEO strategy by helping you automate data analysis, pinpoint user behavior trends, and discern content optimization suggestions. It can also save you time, giving you more bandwidth to dive deep into strategy.

Of course, to realize these benefits, you’ve got to have the right tools.

What are the best AI for SEO tools—and how do I use them?

As accessible AI has arrived on the scene, it has kick-started a veritable gold rush of new AI for SEO tools and tactics—but it can be hard to tell which strategies are worth implementing.

We’ve got you covered.

How to Use AI for SEO (Effectively) (1)

AI for SEO: Dos and Don’ts

Here’s our team’s take on what to do (and what not to do) with AI for SEO.

Do manage your expectations.

One could argue that AI’s been a part of SEO since 2016, when Google started using it to power its ranking algorithm. But it’s only been the last year or so that most people have been able to play with accessible, coherent AI.

Translation? We’re still in the Wild-West infancy of this tech. New applications for AI are being discovered every day. New AI for SEO tools are launched every week.

That’s exciting, but don’t feel pressured to try everything—and don’t expect instant results with anything. Stay focused on what works for you.

Don't use AI for SEO without a road map.

AI needs clear goals and guidance. It’s powerful, but it’s not doing anything on its own.

As you start using AI for SEO, set specific SEO objectives and KPIs for your AI tools. Upload datasets. Toggle the advanced filters in your tools. Invest in your prompts. If you’re working with generative AI, give feedback to tailor the output you receive.

Do use AI for SEO to save time.

After you familiarize yourself with your AI tools, using them can give you time back in your day. Here are a few examples:

    • AI can help you analyze your SEO data. Platforms from Google Analytics to ChatGPT can sift through data, pinpoint patterns, and identify trends you might not notice (or could spend hours looking for).
    • AI can help you create great-looking graphics with that data in seconds. Tableau is a good AI-powered data visualization tool, but there are many others.
    • AI can help you predict how SEO fixes may perform. Check out tools such as ClickFlow to run tests, see predictive analytics, and figure out your next worth-it SEO task in minutes.

Don’t forget you have other high-powered SEO tools.

SEO heavyweights such as Ahrefs, Moz, Screaming Frog, and Semrush are popular for a reason. These tools and your other go-to business resources, such as HubSpot, may be quietly rolling out game-changing AI-powered tools—including a Content Assistant ready to help you upgrade and optimize your content in real time.

These SEO and content solutions may even have capabilities that more AI-centric tools have yet to leverage, such as the ability to scrape the web in real time.

Just remember this: There’s a big difference between using Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool as an integral part of your SEO plan ... and asking ChatGPT last-minute to deliver 20 relevant keywords for a blog post you want to write anyway.

Do use AI for SEO to see what’s working.

AI can't resist A/B testing.

Use your AI tools to generate slightly differing versions of content headlines, metadata, content structures, and more. Then, run tests to see what makes Google (and your users) happiest.

As with many SEO aims, there’s an AI tool for that: You can use a solution such as Optimizely or RankScience to streamline your A/B testing. Or, if you enjoy tinkering with prompts on your own, generative AI can also help you get the job done.

Don't ignore your own learning.

Machine learning may be the topic at hand, but your learning is far more important.

To invest in your ongoing education, stay aware of what’s happening in the wider worlds of SEO and AI. Read your SEO blogs. Take time to learn the often-confusing language of AI. Level up your prompt engineering skills—and always try to understand your AI tools’ recommendations and outputs.

Pro tip: If you’re using a generative AI platform, simply ask the AI why it gave you a specific output. It’ll tell you!

Do use AI as a starting point for content.

AI won’t write you a perfectly optimized Shakespearean sonnet. (Or at least, not a good one.)

What it can help your content team with is avoiding blank page syndrome. Consider using generative AI to outline or structure your SEO-minded content to keep you organized and focused, or check out HubSpot Content Assistant’s ability to help you ideate and generate keyword-optimized content directly within the HubSpot ecosystem.

Have your AI tools recommend schema markup, assist with ways to word things if you’re stuck, or give you a paragraph that you can rewrite and edit as needed for your unique goals.

But don’t rely solely on AI for great SEO content (or analyses, plans, research, or anything). AI can help you save time and streamline your process, but you should always provide a human touch to ensure accuracy, creativity, empathy, and context.

Don't use a set-it-and-forget-it approach with your AI for SEO.

AI isn’t a magic wand to instantly boost your SEO rankings. It's a data-driven tool that can help you make informed decisions and streamline your process.

After you’ve taken the time to tweak settings and establish good baseline results with your AI tools, monitor their performance over time. Change your strategy if you need to. Your ability to assess what’s happening and pivot as needed to adapt to real-world circ*mstances is an incredible (and human) trait. Use it.

After all, the AI itself isn’t a marketing or SEO expert. That’s your job.

Do use AI for SEO to learn about your audience.

AI for SEO tools can help you get incredible data about your target audience.

  • AI tools such as MonkeyLearn can assess audience sentiment behind online reviews, social mentions, and more to help you understand how your brand is perceived.
  • Google Analytics and similar solutions can help you track and analyze user behavior on your pages.
  • HubSpot’s ChatSpot connects generative AI directly with customer data from your CRM to help you learn about (and create marketing materials for!) your unique audience.
  • You can use platforms such as Adobe Analytics to leverage AI to create strategic audience segments based on past user behaviors—and predicted future user actions.

This information allows you to tailor your SEO strategy and content to meet your unique audience’s needs.

Which brings us nicely to our last point ...

Don’t forget why you’re investing in SEO in the first place!

SEO is technical. We know that. We do it professionally. Optimization inherently involves a lot of numbers, analyses, tiny tweaks, and dense reports. It’s true that AI can help us streamline a lot of that heavy lifting.

But if we zoom out for a moment, we can remember that the endgame of great SEO is to provide real information to real people. (Google agrees.) That won’t happen if we simply delegate SEO to AI.

Instead, we need to see this as an opportunity. We have an unprecedented way to use cutting-edge AI for SEO tools to make what we deliver unimaginably valuable and personal. Now that we have that opportunity, it’s time to make the most of it. When your team leverages AI for SEO, remember the very real people you’re creating information for. Wield your SEO tools accordingly.

Interested in knowing where to get started with AI for great SEO? Here’s a free worksheet to help you keep your eyes on the prize.

How to Use AI for SEO (Effectively) (2)

Plan your complete on-page SEO strategy with:

The Easy-to-Use SEO Worksheet

How to Use AI for SEO (Effectively) (3)

Topics: SEO, Marketing Strategy, artificial intelligence, AI

How to Use AI for SEO (Effectively) (4)

About the author

Paul Schmidt is a director of client services at SmartBug Media. He works with clients on SEO, analytics, lead generation, sales enablement, customer success and inbound marketing strategy. He previously worked at HubSpot, helping develop inbound strategies for over 200 clients. His past clients include: Travelers Insurance, Unilever, and the SABIAN Cymbal Company. Paul studied percussion in Las Vegas and got his MBA in marketing in Boston Read more articles by Paul Schmidt.

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How to Use AI for SEO (Effectively) (2024)


How to Use AI for SEO (Effectively)? ›

Is AI-Generated Content Good for SEO? The short answer is yes! AI-generated content can be a valuable asset for your SEO strategy, potentially boosting your website's search rankings and overall visibility. However, to reap these benefits, ensuring alignment with Google's quality standards is key.

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Content Optimization With AI SEO
  1. Create topic clusters that answer user questions and rank.
  2. Know the optimum length of content on your given topic.
  3. Use keywords and LSI keywords correctly.

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Is AI-Generated Content Good for SEO? The short answer is yes! AI-generated content can be a valuable asset for your SEO strategy, potentially boosting your website's search rankings and overall visibility. However, to reap these benefits, ensuring alignment with Google's quality standards is key.

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Understanding How Generative AI Works

In the context of SEO, generative AI works by analyzing large amounts of data related to search engine rankings, user behavior, and content quality. It then uses this data to generate new content that is optimized for search engines and tailored to user preferences.

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While AI will certainly continue to influence and change SEO practices, it's not likely to replace the need for human insight, creativity, and strategic thinking. For schools, AI is more likely to be a tool that complements and enhances SEO rather than making it a thing of the past.

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Frase is one of the best AI SEO tools that offer valuable insights to improve your content while aiding in creating new content and measuring your site's performance. With its affordable price point, Frase is accessible to anyone looking to enhance their overall SEO strategy.

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Surfer SEO (One of the leading AI SEO tools!)

Optimize existing SEO content. Improve internal linking. Research keywords. Analyze search results.

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Generative AI on Google Cloud

Bring generative AI to real-world experiences quickly, efficiently, and responsibly, powered by Google's most advanced technology and models including Gemini. Plus, new customers can start their AI journey today with $300 in free credits.

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In the Google search file, type a query such as tell me the story of the Great Pumpkin. In the Google search results page, you'll see a Generate button above the standard results. Click that button to generate an AI response to your query. Once you've issued your search query, click Generate to add in AI results.

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AI has turned Google into an intelligent search engine that produces direct answers using a network of systems. In addition to voice and image search, deep learning is used to improve the accuracy and speed of searches.

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These developments introduce new challenges and opportunities for optimization, making it clear that SEO is far from obsolete—it's just entering a new phase of adaptability and integration.

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In short, the rising popularity of AI tools and features is turning SEO into a much more people-centric channel. Marketers can focus more heavily on creating a great experience for their human audience instead of trying to balance natural language with awkward keyword placement meant for search algorithms.

What is the future of AI in SEO? ›

The future of AI in SEO has a crucial position in shaping search engine optimization. The evolving and changing algorithms of AI work on providing more user-personalized content, decreasing the workload of SEO teams, and increasing productivity and efficiency.

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Generative AI technologies like Copilot are able to look at large keyword data sets around a given topic and reduce the work needed to demonstrate experience, expertise authoritativeness and trustworthiness around a given product set.

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Generative AI Has Improved SEO Performance

Content creation and optimization as well as on-page analysis and recommendations were cited as the aspects of SEO that have shown the most significant improvements (saving time, driving results, etc.) with AI.

What does generative AI mean for websites and SEO? ›

SEO means optimizing the keywords used on a page to encourage search engines to list that page on their SERPs. Generative AI has many implications for this. Firstly, it's great at creating SEO content. Anyone can use it to create content (or edit existing content) to be more attractive to search engines.

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You can use generative AI to automate the creation of various types of marketing content, including email generation based on prompts, ad copy, social media posts, image generation, and product descriptions. You can even create a complete AI-generated video through generative AI with just text or descriptions.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.