How to make the most of a limited SEO budget | Smart Insights (2024)

Struggling with a small SEO budget? Here are five tips to help you get more bang for your buck.

Every business, big or small, should be thinking about SEO. In a world where it is becoming increasingly difficult to gain visibility online without paying for it, SEO remains the one true organic marketing channel. But things that are organic are not necessarily free.

While SEO clicks are by definition ‘non-paid’, the process of getting those clicks almost always carries an indirect cost; whether that’s an investment of your own time, staff costs, agency or consultancy fees, tools, training, or a combination of these things and more. SEO - or at least good SEO - rarely comes cheap.

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For businesses on tight budgets, this makes prioritization crucial. Knowing where to cut costs and where to invest efforts can make a big difference to your return on investment. With this in mind, here are five tips for getting the most out of a modest SEO budget.

1. Refine your keyword strategy

When it comes to thinking about what keywords you’re going to target, you need to be realistic. Before you start rolling out a keyword strategy, take some time to understand the SERP (search engine results page) landscape in which you are intending to compete.

Chances are, no matter what terms you’re looking to target, competition for a coveted top-of-page-one position is going to be tough, particularly for broad, high-volume terms. Therefore, targeting long-tail alternatives can be a much better option.

Long-tail keywords are typically three or more words in length and are very specific. While average monthly search volume is often low, so too is the competition. The quality of these keywords is often higher, which can lead to improved conversion rates.

For example, a small bike shop based in East London would probably find it more difficult to gain traction for the term ‘bike shop’ (short-tail) than it would for ‘bike shop in Hackney’ (long-tail).

You can see from the number of Google results below how drastically competition varies between these two example terms.

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How to make the most of a limited SEO budget | Smart Insights (3)

By optimizing for the former, the store will be competing with every other bike shop on the internet. By targeting more specific, long-tail alternatives, the store is entering a race it actually stands a chance of winning.

There are numerous tools available for identifying long-tail keyword ideas - some of which I’ll cover in a bit more detail later in this post - but first things first, here are some tips for honing your long-tail keyword strategy.

  • Diversify:Don’t hang all of your hopes on one specific term, this will only lead to a website that reads like it was written by a robot. Instead, consider all of the different keyword permutations and incorporate these, naturally, into your website’s content.
  • Start with the low-hanging fruit: Try to identify long-tail keywords for which your site is already getting high impressions but low clicks, as this might suggest that a small boost in visibility could yield a decent click return with minimal effort. You can find all of this information in Google Search Console’s Performance reports.
  • Questions and answers:Some of the best long-tail keyword opportunities come in the form of questions. Google’s ‘People also ask’ results are a goldmine for discovering such ideas. Simply start by searching for a relevant question in Google, navigate to the ‘People also ask’ results, then click away. Top tip: these Q&A style keywords make great blog posts.

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2. Think local with Google My Business

Local SEO is, quite simply, the process of optimizing your business's online presence for local searches. If statistics are to be believed, almost half (46%) of all Google searchers are looking for local information, and that presents a big opportunity for businesses trying to attract higher-quality website visits.

At the heart of local SEO is Google My Business (GMB), a free tool intended to help business owners manage their online presence. It literally takes minutes to claim a GMB listing and fill out the necessary details (address, business hours, contact details, etc.) but the benefits of doing so can be significant.

A good GMB listing helps put your business on the map - literally. Verified GMB information is utilized by Google’s Local Search results and Google Knowledge Graph, as shown in the two screengrabs below.

Here are the local map results for the search term ‘bike shop hackney’.

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And here is an example of a Knowledge Graph result, for the ‘Hackney Cycles’ bike store.

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3. Utilize free SEO tools

When it comes to SEO tools, there’s no shortage of options on the market. However, if you want to make use of some of the industry-recognized ‘all in one’ SEO solutions, such as Moz, SEMrush or Ahrefs, you’re going to have to pay a monthly subscription or upfront fee, which is not always an option when you’re working on a tight budget.

The good news is that there are plenty of free alternatives that can give your SEO campaigns a huge boost, without the financial outlay. Whether you're looking to discover new content ideas, inspect on-page elements, or monitor your incoming links, here are a few tools that can help.

Google (multiple)

Google’s extensive suite of free web tools should be on every marketer's radar, not least, Google Search Console. GSC provides invaluable information about keyword performance, page impressions and clicks, indexing and crawl stats, sitemap status, mobile usability, incoming links, and much more.

Beyond that, Google Analytics is an essential tool for measuring website performance. Google Trends is a useful tool for assessing the popularity of search queries over time and in different regions. Finally, the aforementioned Google My Business is a must-have for businesses looking to claim a local SEO presence.

Answer the Public

Unlike many keyword research tools that typically rely on Google’s Keyword Planner data (a tool designed primarily for building PPC campaigns), Answer the Public uses auto-suggest search results from Google and Bing and presents the information in a series of visual charts. A great tool for discovering new long-tail keyword opportunities and content ideas.

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Screaming Frog SEO Spider

This website crawler makes it easy to analyze and audit key onsite SEO elements. Use it to analyze page titles and metadata, discover broken links, create sitemaps, and much more. The free version has a crawl limit of 500 URLs, which makes it fine for small sites, but those with bigger properties may want to consider the paid version. This comes in at £149 per year - a small price to pay for such a powerful tool.

IIS SEO Toolkit

In a similar vein to Screaming Frog, IIS is a crawler software that gives you in-depth technical information about your website, along with explanations of the issues and recommendations for fixing them. A great tool for techy people who want to understand more about what’s happening under the hood of their site.

Keywords Everywhere

This browser add-on for Chrome and Firefox shows search volume, estimated CPC (cost-per-click) & competition data for multiple websites… all inside of your browser window.

This is by no means a comprehensive list. Check out Smart Insights’ essential digital marketing tools guide for a more detailed roundup of brilliant marketing tools.

4. Sweat your assets

‘Sweating the assets’ is a fairly clichéd business term that relates to getting the most out of the things you already possess. In an SEO and content marketing sense, it’s a process more commonly known as ‘repurposing’.

When budgets are restricted, repurposing existing content makes perfect sense; it alleviates any guesswork because you already know what content themes perform best, plus there’s minimal work involved because much of the hard work has already been done.

Here are some tips for getting more out of your existing content.

  • Change the format: You could take some popular blog posts and combine them into a guide, or vice versa. Detailed articles could be compressed into slides or an infographic. When you publish a new video, write up a transcript and publish it as a blog post. Compile questions from your live chat and create a FAQs page. The options are endless.
  • Keep popular content updated:There’s no rule to say you can’t update old content to make it relevant to new audiences. Republishing a popular old article along with some fresh data or insights can be a great way of giving it a new lease of life.
  • Write less, promote more:The idea here is that you don't have to keep churning out new content to see results. Keep promoting your most popular work and crucially, constantly be thinking about new and alternative ways of getting it in front of relevant audiences

5. Don’t forget about links

Google uses over 200 ranking factors in its search algorithm to determine how highly a webpage will rank in SERPs. One of the biggest factors is backlinks (links from other websites to yours).

Links hold high SEO value because they represent votes of confidence between websites. In simplest terms, the more authoritative the website is, the more influential the endorsem*nt will be. The more high-quality links you have, the better chance you have of ranking highly in SERPs.

But obtaining links, particularly ones from good quality, trusted websites, is easier said than done - particularly when your budget won’t facilitate a full-blown link building campaign. So here are a few ways of bolstering your link profile without breaking the bank.

  • Write some guest articles: Writing thought leadership or advice articles for industry blogs and publications can be a great way of exposing your brand to new audiences, and often you'll get a link for your efforts. Quality and relevance are crucial here; never submit content to low-quality sites just because it’s an easy link.
  • Directories: Business directories such as Yelp, Yahoo, and HotFrog can give your SEO a small boost while also putting your business on the map, as can local directories specific to your area, or industry directories tailored to your niche. Always opt for quality and relevancy over quantity.
  • Promote your content: Pitching your best content to relevant publishers and influencers can be a great way of acquiring links. If you have an amazing resource people need to know about, make some noise about it!

Final thoughts

As alluded to at the top of this post, when approaching SEO on a tight budget, it’s all about prioritization. Knowing where to hone your efforts and picking your battles accordingly will help ensure you get a better return from your investment.

Matt is an Account Director at Browser Media, an inbound marketing agency specializing in PR-led SEO & content marketing. Matt has more than 11 years of experience helping businesses implement successful digital marketing campaigns that incorporate everything from technical SEO and link acquisition to content creation and online PR. A B2B specialist, Matt has worked with dozens of businesses from startups to FTSE 250 corporates, as well as clients in the third sector. Connect with Matt on LinkedIn.

How to make the most of a limited SEO budget | Smart Insights (2024)


How to make the most of a limited SEO budget | Smart Insights? ›

Code: The website's code should be clean and well-organized, making it easy for search engines to read and understand. Mobile-friendliness: As mobile use continues to grow, it is important for the website to be mobile-friendly. Speed: Faster loading websites have better user experience and thus better SEO.

What would be the 3 main criteria you would work on to improve the SEO of the website? ›

Code: The website's code should be clean and well-organized, making it easy for search engines to read and understand. Mobile-friendliness: As mobile use continues to grow, it is important for the website to be mobile-friendly. Speed: Faster loading websites have better user experience and thus better SEO.

What is a successful SEO strategy? ›

An SEO strategy is a plan to create, optimize, and promote content to improve its visibility in search engine results, attracting more organic traffic to a website. It involves a variety of techniques, such as keyword research, on-page optimization, technical SEO, and link building.

What SEO technique is the most efficient in the long term? ›

Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your content to improve visibility in search results. Avoid keyword stuffing and focus on user intent.

What are the 3 C's of SEO? ›

Simply put, the fundamentals of SEO can be boiled down to The 3 Cs: content, code and credibility.

What are the 4 important stages in SEO? ›

4 Stages of a Successful SEO Timeline
  • Stage 1 | Technical SEO. Technical SEO. ...
  • Stage 2 | On-Page SEO. On-page SEO. ...
  • Stage 3 | Off-Page SEO. Off-page SEO. ...
  • Stage 4 | Analyze and Improve. Analyze SEO results.
Feb 21, 2024

How much should I budget for SEO optimization? ›

How to set a budget for SEO. Creating a clear SEO budget is key to getting the most out of your SEO. The ideal amount to budget for SEO differs from business to business, but the average budget ranges from $2500–$7500 per month, making up about 5–10% of the total marketing budget.

How much of your budget should you spend on SEO? ›

At a minimum, you should spend 5% to 10% of your revenue on SEO. But if you want to get ahead faster, you typically spend more. That does not mean blindly investing in SEO with the promise that more money = better results. But you do need resources.

How can I improve my SEO crawl budget? ›

Best practices
  1. Consolidate duplicate content. ...
  2. Block crawling of URLs using robots. ...
  3. Return a 404 or 410 status code for permanently removed pages. ...
  4. Eliminate soft 404 errors. ...
  5. Keep your sitemaps up to date. ...
  6. Avoid long redirect chains, which have a negative effect on crawling.

What are the top 5 SEO strategies? ›

Try our new free SEO checker at
  • Maintain a Fast, Mobile-friendly Website.
  • Target Long-tail Keywords.
  • Optimize Local Listings.
  • Create Helpful Content (and Optimize It for SEO)
  • Re-optimize Past Content.
  • And Remember — Measure Your ROI.
  • Help Your Business Improve Its Leads, Sales, and Revenue with SEO.

What are your top 3 SEO techniques? ›

The Best Advanced SEO Techniques for Your Website
  1. Conduct an SEO Audit of Your Website. ...
  2. Look at Internal Links, Backlinks, Permalinks, and Broken Links. ...
  3. Don't Neglect Image Alt Text. ...
  4. Add Long-Tail Keywords. ...
  5. Add Schema Markup to Your Website. ...
  6. Optimize For Page Speed. ...
  7. Stop Cannibalizing Focus Keywords.

Which SEO technique is avoided? ›

Content “spinning” is a straight-up bad SEO tactic. It involves copying ideas and structures from other websites, and then rewording parts of the content to avoid direct plagiarism. This can even involve using artificial intelligence to tweak content.

What is the biggest factor in SEO? ›

Quality Content: The most important SEO factor. Google wants to show users high-quality, informative, and relevant content. Backlinks: Links from other websites to your website. They act like votes of confidence.

What are the main 3 aspects of why SEO is important? ›

The Main Elements of SEO. Building SEO programs involves essential components, like keyword research, content creation, website development and design, and link building.

When choosing keywords for SEO What 3 things do you need to consider? ›

By researching keywords for their popularity, search volume, and general intent, you can tackle the questions that most people in your audience want answers to.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.