Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (2024)

Function wrappers are useful tools for modifying the behavior of functions. In Python, they’re called decorators. Decorators allow us to extend the behavior of a function or a class without changing the original implementation of the wrapped function.

A particularly useful application of decorators is for monitoring the runtime of function calls because it allows developers to monitor how long a function takes to execute and run successfully. This process is essential for managing computational resources like time and costs.

Another application for function wrappers is debugging other functions. In Python, defining a debugger function wrapper that prints the function arguments and return values is straightforward. This application is useful for inspecting causes of failed function executions using a few lines of code.

The functools module in Python makes defining custom decorators easy, which can “wrap” (modify/extend) the behavior of another function. In fact, as we will see, defining function wrappers is very similar to defining ordinary functions in Python. Once the function decorator is defined, then we simply use the “@” symbol and the name of the wrapper function in the line of code preceding the function we’d like to modify or extend. The process for defining timer and debugger function wrappers follows similar steps.

Here, we will consider how to define and apply function wrappers for profiling machine learning model runtime for a simple classification model. We will use this function wrapper to monitor the runtime of the data preparation, model fit and model predict steps in a simple machine learning workflow. We will also see how to define and apply function wrappers for debugging these same steps.

I will be working with Deepnote, a data science notebook that makes managing machine resources easy and offers seamless toggling between a variety of data science tools. These features make running reproducible experiments simple. We will work with the fictitious Telco Churn data set, which is publicly available on Kaggle. The data set is free to use, modify and share under the Apache 2.0 License.

What Are Python Wrappers?

Function wrappers are useful tools for modifying the behavior of functions. In Python, they’re called decorators. Decorators allow us to extend the behavior of a function or a class without changing the original implementation of the wrapped function.A particularly useful application of decorators is for monitoring the runtime of function calls because it allows developers to monitor how long a function takes to execute and run successfully. Another common application for function wrappers is debugging other functions.

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Monitoring Runtime of Machine Learning Workflow

Let’s go through an example to see how this process works.

Data Preparation

Let’s start the data preparation process by navigating to the Deepnote platform (sign up is free if you don’t already have an account). Let’s create a project.

Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (1)

And name our project function_wrappers and name our notebook profiling_debugging_mlworkflow:

Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (2)

Let’s add our data to Deepnote:

Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (3)

We will be using the Pandas library to handle and process our data. Let’s import it:

import pandas as pd

Next, let’s define a function that we will call data_preparation:

def data_preparation():pass

Let’s add some basic data processing logic. This function will perform five tasks:

  1. Read in data
  2. Select relevant columns: The function will take a list of column names as input
  3. Clean the data: Specify column data types
  4. Split data for training and testing: The function will will take test size as input
  5. Return training and testing set

Let’s first add the logic to read in the data. Let’s also add logic to display the first five rows:

def data_preparation(columns, test_size):df = pd.read_csv("telco_churn.csv")print(df.head())

Let’s call our data prep function. For now, let’s pass “none” as arguments for columns and test size:

​​def data_preparation(columns, test_size):df = pd.read_csv("telco_churn.csv")print(df.head())data_preparation(None, None)
Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (4)

Next, within our data_preparation method let’s use the columns variable to filter our data frame, define a list of column names we will use, and call our function with the columns variable:

def data_preparation(columns, test_size):df = pd.read_csv("telco_churn.csv")df_subset = df[columns].copy()print(df_subset.head())columns = ["gender", "tenure", "PhoneService", "MultipleLines", "TotalCharges", "Churn"]data_preparation(columns, None)

Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (5)

Next, let’s specify another function argument, which we will use to specify data types of each column. Within a for loop in our function, we will specify the data for each column, which we will get from our input dictionary of data type mappings:

def data_preparation(columns, test_size, datatype_dict):df = pd.read_csv("telco_churn.csv")df_subset = df[columns].copy()for col in columns:df_subset[col] = df_subset[col].astype(datatype_dict[col])print(df_subset.head())columns = ["gender", "tenure", "PhoneService", "MultipleLines","MonthlyCharges", "Churn"]datatype_dict = {"gender":"category", "tenure":"float", "PhoneService":"category", "MultipleLines":"category", "MonthlyCharges":"float", "Churn":"category"}data_preparation(columns, None, datatype_dict)

Within another for loop, we will convert all categorical columns to machine-readable codes:

def data_preparation(columns, test_size, datatype_dict):df = pd.read_csv("telco_churn.csv")df_subset = df[columns].copy()for col in columns:df_subset[col] = df_subset[col].astype(datatype_dict[col])for col in columns:if datatype_dict[col] == "category":df_subset[col] = df_subset[col].cat.codescolumns = ["gender", "tenure", "PhoneService", "MultipleLines","MonthlyCharges", "Churn"]datatype_dict = {"gender":"category", "tenure":"float", "PhoneService":"category", "MultipleLines":"category", "MonthlyCharges":"float", "Churn":"category"}data_preparation(columns, None, datatype_dict)

Finally, let’s specify our input and output, split our data for training and testing and return our train and test sets. First, let’s import the train test split method from the model selection module in Scikit-learn:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
Next, let’s specify our inputs, outputs, training and testing sets:def data_preparation(columns, test_size, datatype_dict):df = pd.read_csv("telco_churn.csv")df_subset = df[columns].copy()for col in columns:df_subset[col] = df_subset[col].astype(datatype_dict[col])for col in columns:if datatype_dict[col] == "category":df_subset[col] = df_subset[col].cat.codesX = df_subset[["gender", "tenure", "PhoneService", "MultipleLines","MonthlyCharges",]]y = df_subset["Churn"]X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=test_size, random_state=42)return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_testcolumns = ["gender", "tenure", "PhoneService", "MultipleLines","MonthlyCharges", "Churn"]datatype_dict = {"gender":"category", "tenure":"float", "PhoneService":"category", "MultipleLines":"category", "MonthlyCharges":"float", "Churn":"category"}X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = data_preparation(columns, 0.33, datatype_dict)

Model Training

Now that we have our training and test data prepared, let’s train our classification model. For simplicity, let’s define a function that trains a random forest classifier with default parameters and sets a random state reproducibility. The function will return the trained model object. Let’s start by importing the random forest classifier:

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

Next, let’s define our fit function and store the trained model object:

def fit_model(X_train,y_train):model = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42),y_train)return modelmodel = fit_model(X_train,y_train)

Model Predictions and Performance

Let’s also define our predict function that will return model predictions

def predict(X_test, model):y_pred = model.predict(X_test)return y_predy_pred = predict(X_test, model)

Finally, let’s define a method that reports classification performance metrics

def model_performance(y_pred, y_test):print("f1_score", f1_score(y_test, y_pred))print("accuracy_score", accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))print("precision_score", precision_score(y_test, y_pred))model_performance(y_pred, y_test)
Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (6)

Now, if we want to use function wrappers to define our timer, we need to import the functools and time modules:

import functoolsimport time

Next, let’s define our timer function. We will call it runtime_monitor. It will take a parameter called input_function as an argument. We will also pass the input function to the wraps method in the functools wrappers, which we will place before our actual timer function, called runtime_wrapper:

def runtime_monitor(input_function):@functools.wraps(input_function)def runtime_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):

Next, within the scope of runtime wrapper, we specify the logic for calculating the execution runtime for our input function. We define a starting time value, the return value of our function (which is where we execute our function) an endtime value, and the runtime value, which is the difference between the start and endtime

See Also

def runtime_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):start_value = time.perf_counter()return_value = input_function(*args, **kwargs)end_value = time.perf_counter()runtime_value = end_value - start_valueprint(f"Finished executing {input_function.__name__} in {runtime_value} seconds")return return_value

Our timer function (runtime_wrapper) is defined within the scope of our runtime_monitor function. The full function is as follows:

def runtime_monitor(input_function):@functools.wraps(input_function)def runtime_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):start_value = time.perf_counter()return_value = input_function(*args, **kwargs)end_value = time.perf_counter()runtime_value = end_value - start_valueprint(f"Finished executing {input_function.__name__} in {runtime_value} seconds")return return_valuereturn runtime_wrapper

We can then use runtime_monitor to wrap our data_preparation, fit_model, predict, and model_performance functions. For data_preparation, we have the following:

@runtime_monitordef data_preparation(columns, test_size, datatype_dict):df = pd.read_csv("telco_churn.csv")df_subset = df[columns].copy()for col in columns:df_subset[col] = df_subset[col].astype(datatype_dict[col])for col in columns:if datatype_dict[col] == "category":df_subset[col] = df_subset[col].cat.codesX = df_subset[["gender", "tenure", "PhoneService", "MultipleLines","MonthlyCharges",]]y = df_subset["Churn"]X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=test_size, random_state=42)return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_testcolumns = ["gender", "tenure", "PhoneService", "MultipleLines","MonthlyCharges", "Churn"]datatype_dict = {"gender":"category", "tenure":"float", "PhoneService":"category", "MultipleLines":"category", "MonthlyCharges":"float", "Churn":"category"}X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = data_preparation(columns, 0.33, datatype_dict)

Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (7)

We see our data preparation function takes 0.04 to execute. For fit_model, we have:

@runtime_monitordef fit_model(X_train,y_train):model = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42),y_train)return modelmodel = fit_model(X_train,y_train)

Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (8)

For our predict:

@runtime_monitordef predict(X_test, model):y_pred = model.predict(X_test)return y_predy_pred = predict(X_test, model)

Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (9)

And finally, for model performance:

@runtime_monitordef model_performance(y_pred, y_test):print("f1_score", f1_score(y_test, y_pred))print("accuracy_score", accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))print("precision_score", precision_score(y_test, y_pred))model_performance(y_pred, y_test)
Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (10)

We see that the fit method is the most time consuming, which we would expect. Being able to reliably monitor the runtime of these functions is essential for resource management when building even simple machine learning workflows such as this.

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Debugging Machine Learning Models

Defining a debugger function wrapper is also a straightforward process. Let’s start by defining a function called debugging method. Similar to our timer function, iit will take a function as input. We will also pass the input function to the wraps method in the functools wrappers, which we will place before our actual debugger function, called debugging_wrapper. The debugging_wrapper will take arguments and keyword arguments as inputs:

def debugging_method(input_function):@functools.wraps(input_function)def debugging_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):

Next, we will store the representations of arguments, the key words and their values in lists called arguments and keyword_arguments respectively:

def debugging_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):arguments = []keyword_arguments = []for a in args:arguments.append(repr(a))for key, value in kwargs.items():keyword_arguments.append(f"{key}={value}")

Next, we will concatenate arguments and keyword_argument and then join them in a string:

def debugging_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):...#code truncated for clarityfunction_signature = arguments + keyword_argumentsfunction_signature = "; ".join(function_signature)

Finally, we will print the function name, its signature and its return value:

def debugging_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):...#code truncated for clarityprint(f"{input_function.__name__} has the following signature: {function_signature}")return_value = input_function(*args, **kwargs)print(f"{input_function.__name__} has the following return: {return_value}")

The debugging_wrapper function will also return the return value of the input function. The full function is as follows:

def debugging_method(input_function):@functools.wraps(input_function)def debugging_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):arguments = []keyword_arguments = []for a in args:arguments.append(repr(a))for key, value in kwargs.items():keyword_arguments.append(f"{key}={value}")function_signature = arguments + keyword_argumentsfunction_signature = "; ".join(function_signature)print(f"{input_function.__name__} has the following signature: {function_signature}")return_value = input_function(*args, **kwargs)print(f"{input_function.__name__} has the following return: {return_value}")return return_valuereturn debugging_wrapper

Data Preparation

We can now wrap our data_preparation function with our debugging_method:

@debugging_method@runtime_monitordef data_preparation(columns, test_size, datatype_dict):df = pd.read_csv("telco_churn.csv")df_subset = df[columns].copy()for col in columns:df_subset[col] = df_subset[col].astype(datatype_dict[col])for col in columns:if datatype_dict[col] == "category":df_subset[col] = df_subset[col].cat.codesX = df_subset[["gender", "tenure", "PhoneService", "MultipleLines","MonthlyCharges",]]y = df_subset["Churn"]X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=test_size, random_state=42)return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_testcolumns = ["gender", "tenure", "PhoneService", "MultipleLines","MonthlyCharges", "Churn"]datatype_dict = {"gender":"category", "tenure":"float", "PhoneService":"category", "MultipleLines":"category", "MonthlyCharges":"float", "Churn":"category"}X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = data_preparation(columns, 0.33, datatype_dict)

Model Training

We can do the same for our fit function:

@debugging_method@runtime_monitordef fit_model(X_train,y_train):model = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42),y_train)return modelmodel = fit_model(X_train,y_train)
Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (11)

Model Predictions and Performance

And for our predict function:

@debugging_method@runtime_monitordef predict(X_test, model):y_pred = model.predict(X_test)return y_predy_pred = predict(X_test, model)
Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (12)

And finally, for our performance function:

@debugging_method@runtime_monitordef model_performance(y_pred, y_test):print("f1_score", f1_score(y_test, y_pred))print("accuracy_score", accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))print("precision_score", precision_score(y_test, y_pred))model_performance(y_pred, y_test)
Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (13)

The code in this post is available on GitHub.

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Function Wrapper Uses in Python

Function wrappers have a wide range of applications in software engineering, data analytics and machine learning. When developing machine learning models, the runtime of operations involving data preparation, model training and predicting is a major area of concern. In the case of data preparation, operations like reading in data, performing aggregations, and imputing missing values can vary in runtime depending on the size of the data and the complexity of the operation. With this in mind, monitoring how runtime of these operations changes when the data changes is useful.

Further, fitting a model to training data is arguably the most expensive step of the machine learning pipeline. The runtime of training (fitting) a model to data can significantly vary with the size of data both in terms of the number of features included and the number of rows in the data. In many cases, training data for machine learning gets refreshed with significantly more data. This causes the model training step to increase in runtime and often requires a more powerful machine for model training to complete successfully.

Model predict calls can also vary depending on the number of inputs for prediction. Although dozens to a few hundred predict calls may not have a significant runtime, there are cases where thousands to millions of predictions need to be made which can greatly impact runtime. Being able to monitor the runtime of prediction function calls is also essential for resource management.

In addition to monitoring runtime, debugging with function wrappers is also useful when building machine learning models. Similar to runtime monitoring, this process is useful for resolving issues with data preparation, model fit calls and model prediction calls. In the data preparation step, a data refresh may cause a once executable function to fail. Further, issues and bugs may arise when data is refreshed or model inputs for training are modified. Using function wrappers for debugging can help indicate how changes in inputs, array shapes and array lengths, may be causing fit calls to fail. In this case, we can use function wrappers to find the source of this bug and resolve it.

Function wrappers in Python make runtime monitoring and debugging straightforward. Although I only covered data preparation, model fitting and model predictions for a very simple example, these methods become all the more useful with more complex data. In the case of data preparation, runtime monitoring and debugging functions can be useful for additional types of data preparation like predicting missing values, combining data sources, and transforming data through normalization or standardization. Further, when fitting a model and making predictions, model types and model hyperparameters can have a significant impact on runtime and bugs. Having reliable tools for runtime monitoring and debugging is valuable for both data scientists and machine learning engineers.

Function Wrappers in Python: Model Runtime and Debugging (2024)
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