Bienvenido a Upnify® CRM (2024)

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Upnify es una herramienta diseñada por expertos comerciales para el mercado de habla hispana.

Upnify te permite dar seguimiento a cada uno de tus prospectos generando más oportunidades que se traducen en nuevas ventas para tu empresa.
Las herramientas de Upnify facilitan las actividades que impactan en el trabajo del ejecutivo, ahorrando tiempo y aumentando la efectividad.

Precios Iniciales

  • 17 USD | 340* MXN por mes (versión básica)
  • 25 USD | 500* MXN por mes (versión PRO)

En la contratación de planes semestrales, se aplica un 10% de descuento
En la contratación de planes anuales, se aplica un 20% de descuento

*Precio sujeto a tipo de cambio

¡Upnify es más que un CRM!


  • Envía campañas automáticas.
  • Responde a los contactos que llegan desde tus campañas digitales.
  • Distribuye los contactos a tus vendedores equitativamente.

Más velocidad

  • Vincula tus productos y cotiza en minutos.
  • Envía mensajes con plantillas.

Upnify® te ayuda a ahorrar tiempo

Bienvenido a Upnify® CRM (5)


Unifica y controla los procesos de tu empresa.

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Tu información se respalda en la nube de manera automática.

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Deja atrás la operación manual. Vende incluso mientras duermes.

Bienvenido a Upnify® CRM (8)


Trabaja con un sistema sencillo y adecuado para unificar tu base de datos.

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Upnify te ayuda a ahorrar tiempo

Bienvenido a Upnify® CRM (9)


Mantén ordenada tu base de datos de clientes y todas sus comunicaciones

Bienvenido a Upnify® CRM (10)


Mantén asegurada y respaldada tu información en la nube de forma automática

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Responde más rápido que tu competencia y gana más clientes

Bienvenido a Upnify® CRM (12)


No necesitas ser un experto para controlar tu proceso comercial

Mejora tu servicio y seguimiento

Con Upnify®, el CRM usado por miles de empresas en toda Latinoamérica– es posible facilitar la interacción con tus clientes, y mantener el control de tu comercialización de manera simple y segura. Además recibe el soporte de nuestros expertos 100% en tu idioma.


Ya son más de 10,000 empresas
que se han beneficiado con Upnify®

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Organización desde la prospección hasta la facturación

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  • Rastreo de UTMs y rendimiento
  • Integración con Facebook
  • Integración con WordPress
  • Correos masivos
  • Campañas automáticas

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  • Seguimientos
  • Plantillas para email, WhatsApp, SMS
  • Recordatorios y citas
  • Cotizaciones en minutos
  • Facturación electrónica

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  • Control de actividades
  • Reportes de ejecución
  • Trazabilidad de la información
  • Automatización de comunicaciones
  • Proceso comercial

Bienvenido a Upnify® CRM (22)

Conecta tu CRM con todos los sistemas que usas en tu empresa

Upnify funciona también con las herramientas que utilizas diariamente. Haz las integraciones que requieres y obtén mejores resultados.

Ya no pierdas más ventas y mejora tu seguimiento

Inicia tus 30 días gratis y comprueba todos los beneficios que Upnify CRM tiene para ti.

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¡Crea tu cuenta ahora!
Bienvenido a Upnify® CRM (2024)


How do I maximize my CRM? ›

How to Optimize Your CRM
  1. Clean and regularly update your data. Optimizing your CRM starts with ensuring that your data is accurate, complete, and up-to-date. ...
  2. Customize and streamline workflows. ...
  3. Integrate with other systems and software. ...
  4. Use data analytics and reporting. ...
  5. Train and educate your team.
Nov 21, 2023

How to increase sales through CRM? ›

Here are some ways to take advantage of your CRM tool's potential to boost your business sales:
  1. Sourcing Organic Leads. ...
  2. Launch Email Campaigns. ...
  3. Improve Team Coordination. ...
  4. Generate Reports. ...
  5. Market Research Data. ...
  6. Task and Time Management. ...
  7. Provide Better Customer Service. ...
  8. Access Sales and Customer Data Instantly.

What is the CRM website? ›

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a set of integrated, data-driven software solutions that help manage, track, and store information related to your company's current and potential customers.

How to start a CRM? ›

How to set up a CRM
  1. Map your customer journey.
  2. Define your business processes and pipelines.
  3. Customize your CRM's custom fields, pipelines, and workflow automation.
  4. Import customer information to your CRM.
  5. Segment your customers.
  6. Integrate your CRM with other tools.
  7. Define the role of each team member and onboard your team.
Apr 8, 2024

Which is the best CRM? ›

The Best CRM Software of 2024
  • Zoho CRM: Best for features and value.
  • Salesforce CRM: Best for reporting and analytics.
  • Best for project management and sales.
  • Apptivo: Best for a suite of business apps.
  • Agile CRM: Best feature-rich free option.
  • HubSpot: Best CRM for sales, marketing and service.
May 14, 2024

How do you break into CRM? ›

Start by honing interpersonal and communication skills, which are crucial in managing client relationships. Acquire knowledge in customer service, sales, or marketing through courses or certifications. Volunteering or taking on roles with customer interaction can provide practical experience.

What is a successful CRM strategy? ›

Key elements of an effective CRM Strategy include goal-setting with KPIs, customer segmentation for personalised experiences, data analysis for informed decision-making & technology integration to drive success.

How much can CRM improve sales? ›

CRM software can increase conversion rates by as much as 300%. Because CRMs are so great for helping you learn more about your audience, they're also great for helping you drive more leads and sales among that audience.

What CRM means? ›

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy that companies use to manage interactions with customers and potential customers. CRM helps organisations streamline processes, build customer relationships, increase sales, improve customer service, and increase profitability.

What is the easiest CRM to use? ›

Our Top Picks for Simple CRM
  • Best for Joint Initiatives:
  • Best for Flexibility: HubSpot.
  • Our Top Pick: Zoho CRM.
  • Best for Quick Campaign Setup: Freshsales.
  • Best for Pipeline Design: Pipedrive.
  • Best for Portability: Zendesk.
  • Best Customization for Price: Insightly.
  • Best for Small Teams: Less Annoying CRM.
Apr 17, 2024

Is CRM just email? ›

The difference between CRM and email marketing

CRM is about managing the relationships between you and your many customers. Email marketing software helps you build a subscriber list and reach out to those customers via email campaigns.

Does Google have a CRM? ›

Gmail does not offer a CRM system, but it's designed to work seamlessly with various third-party applications. This integration is key as it launches CRM functionalities for its users. If you're wondering, “Does Google have a free CRM through any of its other apps?” the answer is unfortunately not.

Is CRM free to use? ›

With up to 1,000,000 contacts and no limits on customer data, HubSpot's free CRM functionality is 100% free, with no expiration date. More advanced CRM features are available in premium editions of Sales Hub. Learn more about HubSpot's premium CRM features and pricing information.

What is CRM for beginners? ›

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system helps manage customer data. It supports sales management, delivers actionable insights, integrates with social media and facilitates team communication.

What is the best free CRM? ›

The Best Free CRMs of 2024
  • Insightly: Best for opportunity management.
  • Agile CRM: Best for Integrated Marketing Solutions.
  • Bitrix24: Best for unlimited free users.
  • EngageBay: Best for live chat.
  • FreshSales: Best for robust features.
  • HubSpot: Best for sales automation.
  • Zoho CRM: Best for Integrations.
Mar 20, 2024

How do I make my CRM successful? ›

How to implement CRM in 8 steps
  1. Define your CRM strategy. ...
  2. Draw boundaries around the project scope. ...
  3. Build an implementation timeline. ...
  4. Choose a CRM platform. ...
  5. Migrate existing customer data. ...
  6. Prepare a training and onboarding plan. ...
  7. Build in automations and integrations. ...
  8. Develop a feedback process for continuous improvement.
May 16, 2024

How do you enrich CRM data? ›

CRM Data Enrichment Best Practices
  1. Step 1: Specify what you need. ...
  2. Step 2: Assess the quality of your existing dataset. ...
  3. Step 3: Acquire supplementary data sets. ...
  4. Step 4: Keep refining your CRM data. ...
  5. Firmographic data. ...
  6. Job forecasting. ...
  7. Technographic data. ...
  8. Intent data.
May 16, 2024

What is a good CRM strategy? ›

A solid CRM strategy ensures that all your business processes, from marketing and sales to IT, work together systematically. This helps you better understand who your potential customer is and what they need. There's a whole raft of statistics to show that customers prefer a personalized experience.

How do I grow my CRM database? ›

How to build a bigger CRM database
  1. Encourage sharing. Make sharing your emails easier for people, by adding social media and 'email to a friend' buttons. ...
  2. Provide 'gated offers' ...
  3. Host competitions. ...
  4. Exclusive vouchers. ...
  5. Ask for feedback. ...
  6. Create a subscriber-only blog. ...
  7. Host a contest. ...
  8. Hold a webinar.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

Last Updated:

Views: 6398

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.