Are Online Classes Harder? [2024 Guide] (2024)

Are online classes harder than traditional classes? Online classes can allow you to work within your own schedule. There are some other factors to take into consideration when deciding between on-campus classes and online classes.

Are Online Classes Harder? [2024 Guide] (1)

Consider how online classes work, how many classes you plan to take, your financial aid opportunities, accreditation, and your needs to decide if online college courses are better for you than traditional classes.

Making the choice to attend online courses requires the same research as deciding to take campus courses.

How Do Online College Classes Work?

Are Online Classes Harder? [2024 Guide] (2)

When you enroll in an online class, you should learn the same or a similar curriculum as an on-campus class in the same subject. The main difference is that you’ll likely have more flexibility for completing the coursework.

Rather than learning in a classroom, most of your work can be completed right from your own laptop. And there are online schools that provide laptops as part of their student support offerings.

Asynchronous coursework means that you can complete the assignments for your online class at any time, day or night. However, the assignment still has a deadline.

Your online class might also have synchronous components. This means there are specific times for you to sign on to the learning site. You might watch live lectures or add to discussions using your computer’s camera and microphone.

You will likely spend about three hours per credit taken. For a four-credit course, you’ll probably need about 12 hours per week on the assignments for your class. This is the typical time required for a traditional class.

In an online class, you might spend additional time reading directions, navigating the website, waiting for others to post their work so you can respond, or waiting for your teacher to answer your questions.

Some colleges offer accelerated online classes. Accelerated programs have shorter online classes. A traditional college class is usually 16 weeks, but an accelerated bachelor’s program offers courses in five, eight, or ten-week sessions.

Are Online Classes Harder? [2024 Guide] (3)

Of course, you should still be expected to complete the same amount of work during this shortened time frame. You may have to study more hours per day on course work if you take an accelerated class.

Your tests will most likely also take place online. You might write essays, take multiple-choice tests, or answer open-ended questions.

Although you may have more flexibility to complete your coursework, you’ll also have more responsibility to stay on task to meet your deadlines. Time management is a key factor in succeeding in your online courses.

Are Online Classes Hard?

Are Online Classes Harder? [2024 Guide] (4)

Your workload in an online class should be comparable to a traditional class. Your online class should cover the same or similar material as a traditional class in the same subject. However, your online class may require more from you in the form of motivation, time management, and proactive problem-solving.

Your ability to motivate yourself to do the work is essential for success in your online class. Is it difficult for you to stay motivated when you’d rather be doing something else? When you work on the computer, do other websites pull your attention away from school work? If no, then taking online courses may be an excellent choice for you.

Time management is another key to success in an online class. Do you spend your time wisely? Are you good at meeting deadlines? If yes, read on to learn more about the benefits of taking online courses.

Just because the coursework is more flexible, doesn’t mean the deadlines are. Assignments and tests are due along the way, not in one lump by the end of the course. If you struggle with time management, an online class may seem harder for you.

Last, to succeed in your online class, you must be a problem-solver. You’ll need to navigate the online learning platform on your own, deal with any internet connection difficulties, and navigate assignments on your own.

Yes, you can ask your instructor for help, but he or she may not respond for up to 24 hours. No matter what happens, you’re still responsible for making those deadlines. If you frequently make excuses, online classes will probably be difficult for you.

The Benefits of Taking Classes Online

Are Online Classes Harder? [2024 Guide] (5)

The potential benefits of taking an online class are plentiful. Online classes have the flexibility for busy students who balance school with work and family life. The flexibility of an online class is often great for professionals looking for career development, parents looking to support their families, and students looking to save time and money on the commute to school.

Students taking online classes tend to do the same or better than those taking traditional classes. The curriculum and timeframe are typically similar, if not the same. The main difference is the presentation of material. In your online class, you have more flexibility to read and view the material at your own pace.

As you read and view material online, you’ll have the time to re-read, research more, and communicate one-on-one with your teacher. If English is your second language, you’ll have more time to translate and focus on meaning.

If you tend to get lost during traditional lectures, an online class can give you the ability to re-watch the material as you take notes.

Finally, online classes have the potential to save you time and money. You won’t commute to school, spend time finding a seat, deal with other students’ drama, or otherwise navigate campus life. Even if you’re sick, you can still attend your online class, although you might choose to reschedule your work.

You would have the ability to do so in an online class.

When Should You Take Online vs On-Campus Classes?

Are Online Classes Harder? [2024 Guide] (6)

Online classes may be a great way for you to earn a degree or certificate if you have the time and aptitude to do the work on your own. As you read the following checklists, look for your characteristics as a student to see what type of class is best for you.

Students who typically succeed in online classes:

  • Are self-motivated
  • Have excellent time management
  • Are willing to ask for help
  • Accept responsibility
  • Can read large amounts of information
  • Minimize distractions
  • Avoid procrastination
  • Actively participate
  • Communicate in writing respectfully
  • Have grit or the tenacity to stick with it when things get hard.

You will find that whether you are taking classes on campus or online, hard work and determination are fantastic characteristics that can get your far.

Students who typically succeed in traditional classes:

  • Have strong listening and speaking skills
  • Are social learners, collaborators, and group members
  • Are curious about others
  • Ask questions
  • Follow oral and written directions
  • Can take notes while listening to lectures
  • Ask for help from peers and instructors
  • Participate in discussions
  • Come to class prepared
  • Are eager to learn

Of course, your life situation is one of the biggest factors in the decision to take a class on campus or online. Do you currently work full time, care for a family member, or have responsibilities or health issues that may make it difficult to attend regular classes in person? If so, an online class may be a good option.

Are Online Classes Harder? [2024 Guide] (7)

If you intend to be a full-time student, and learning will be your main pursuit, then a traditional class may be a good fit for you. You can immerse yourself completely in learning as you attend classes, get to know your fellow students, and advance through courses with them at a steady pace.

If you intend to learn part-time in addition to your other responsibilities, an online course may be a good fit for you. You might complete a certificate at night to advance in your current job or finish a degree online while you tend to your family.

You might work on your degree over a longer or shorter time than traditional college classes offer, taking advanced classes when you have chunks of time to devote to intense study.

Accreditation for Online Classes

Are Online Classes Harder? [2024 Guide] (8)

Accreditation is one way you can avoid being scammed by a fake online school. Regional accreditation means an outside organization has made sure your school or program meets a certain standard of quality.

Employers will most likely check that your education comes from an accredited program. When your school is regionally accredited, you can trust it is real and valuable.

Be careful; some online courses are not accredited. Although the website might look official and the cost may be the same, or more, if it’s not regionally accredited, then employers may not acknowledge the credits from that school.

To make sure your courses are regionally accredited, contact either the U.S. Department of Education or the nonprofit Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Don’t trust a website that claims the school is accredited. Go the extra step to check with an outside organization to be safe.

Financial Aid for Taking Classes Online

Are Online Classes Harder? [2024 Guide] (9)

The Department of Education awards approximately $120 billion in financial aid to students every year. If you qualify for federal financial aid, you can apply it toward the cost of an online, regionally-accredited college course.

Federal financial aid can make a significant difference. Public universities charge in-state students an average of $9,000 and out-of-state students $25,000 per semester. With financial aid, you can lower these costs.

To receive financial aid, you must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form, also called the FAFSA. You can also apply for state aid in the form of scholarships and grants.

Meet with your academic advisor or the bursar (financial office) of your school to get more information on your specific financial aid options.

Can You Cheat on Online Classes?

Are Online Classes Harder? [2024 Guide] (10)

The risk of cheating in an online class is the same as the risk of cheating in a traditional class. To combat cheating, many instructors use higher-level questions. These are questions that require reasoning, justification, and explanation, rather than questions that can be answered by a quick internet search.

Many instructors also use anti-cheating software. For example, they might check for information copied and pasted from another source (plagiarism), or they might run a program that checks to see if your computer has multiple browsers open during a test.

Do Online Courses Work?

Yes, online courses do work. You might do just as well, or better, in online classes, as long as you stick to the scheduled coursework. Online classes have the same or similar curriculum and time frame as traditional classes. The format in which the information is presented is the main difference.

The format of an online class works well for many students. If you need more time to review material or talk with your professor one-on-one, an online class will probably work better for you. If you need the flexibility to work on assignments late at night or early in the morning, an online class may work well for you.

And last, if you have strong reading and writing skills, as opposed to listening and speaking skills, and online class may work well for you.

Are Online Classes Better than Traditional Classes?

Are Online Classes Harder? [2024 Guide] (11)

Online classes are better than traditional classes for some students. The content of the classes is the same or similar. The time frame is usually the same (unless you choose to take an accelerated course online). So, the deciding factors for success in an online class come down to your flexibility, time management skills, and self-motivation.

If you need a flexible class schedule, but you can motivate yourself to do the work on time, then online classes may be better for you than traditional classes.

Are Online Classes Harder in College?

Are Online Classes Harder? [2024 Guide] (12)

Because online classes cover the same or similar material, typically in the same amount of time as traditional classes, they are not harder. The only thing that can make an online class seem harder is the amount of reading and communication they require.

In a traditional class, you might listen to a lecture and take notes. As the teacher asks questions, one student might answer each question. However, in your online class, you will likely read large amounts of information and study on your own. When the teacher asks a question, every student is responsible to answer.

If you have strong reading and writing skills, strong self-motivation, and strong time-management, then an online class may seem easy to you.

Ready to start your journey?


Jordan Meeks

Jordan is pursuing a Ph.D. in Public Policy and earned her Master of Business Administration in Strategic Management and her Bachelor's in Business Administration. Jordan's research focuses on adults returning to college and online degree programs.

Are Online Classes Harder? [2024 Guide] (2024)


Are online classes more difficult? ›

But in many cases, an online degree is more challenging for students because it requires more self-discipline and motivation to "take an active part in their learning," Mathes says. And, like residential students, online students need to maintain academic integrity when completing assignments and taking exams.

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If you're expecting a class to be easier just because you're taking it online, you're going to be sorely disappointed. Online classes are no easier than classes offered in the traditional classroom setting and in some cases can be even be more difficult.

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The truth is it depends a little on where your strengths lie. “Online classes may be more challenging for those with poor time management or lack of motivation,” explains Chris Lee, adjunct professor and founder of Purpose Redeemed.

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Online learning is great for those who want to manage studies with work and other life activities. With adjustable schedules and less burden, they can learn with ease. Classrooms require more discipline and active participation. Teachers get greater command over students in a traditional learning environment.

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Some kids have trouble with online classes because they lack the structure that in-person school traditionally provides. Additionally, students who have issues with anxiety, attention, or learning challenges may struggle to adapt to the different expectations and format of online classes.

Why is online school harder than regular school? ›

Another reason that online school is harder is that it's easy to lose focus. In a normal school setting, you wouldn't be allowed to have your phone out and are constantly being watched by a teacher. Being in a classroom environment also tells your brain to be more focused.

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Online courses require more time than on-campus classes. Believe it or not, you will spend more time studying and completing assignments in the online environment than you will in an on-campus course.

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They may complement your formal classes, provide alternative perspectives on thorny topics or help you review important concepts and skills that may have gotten rusty. For lifelong learners, free online courses offer the opportunity to explore new interests—without needing to re-enroll in school.

Why is in-person class better than online? ›

In-person courses offer learners the opportunity to perform direct, physical, hands-on training exercises, which can be the most beneficial form of learning for some. In-person courses also provide learners the opportunity to interact face-to-face with their instructors and receive immediate feedback on their work.

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The Cost of Online College

Not only does tuition tend to be lower, but many additional expenses, such as transportation costs and course materials, are eliminated in an online program.

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You're Able to Study at Your Own Pace

Students enrolled in online classes have much more control over their daily schedule than those participating in an in-person program. You have more freedom and flexibility to study at your own pace, in a time and place that works for your lifestyle.

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Learning that happens in a traditional classroom allows students to work together face-to-face. It's more direct, it helps students develop interpersonal skills that are vital later in life. Working as part of a group in a physical setting also boosts their overall confidence and motivation to achieve more.

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Students have the opportunity to interact with their teachers and peers in real time, which can help them to build meaningful relationships and engage in a more dynamic learning experience. Traditional classrooms provide a structured environment that helps students to stay focused and on-task.

Do teachers prefer online learning? ›

About 70 percent of faculty taught a remote class during the pandemic, and the preference for remote teaching has grown, according to the report. Of those surveyed, 20 percent said they prefer to teach hybrid courses that mix in-person and online instruction, while 18 percent prefer teaching fully online courses.

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Scientists looking at the effectiveness of distance learning found that in some studies, distance education students performed slightly better in exams and grades than traditional classroom students, but that overall the average performance outcomes weren't that different.

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Another significant advantage of virtual learning is the personalization of the experience. Students can learn at their own pace according to their individual needs, which can lessen anxiety and stress substantially.

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One of the most common questions asked on this topic is, "Are online classes easier?" Put simply, the answer is no. Opting for online courses over traditional courses is not the easy route for your education. It's true that online courses offer more flexibility, but that doesn't change the amount of work you put in.

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Broader impacts of online learning

These papers find common themes: Students in online courses generally get lower grades, are less likely to perform well in follow-on coursework, and are less likely to graduate than similar students taking in-person classes.

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