16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (2024)

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I can’t rememberthe last time I even considered Spain as my nextholiday destination. I’m always wanting to go somewhere further afield. But, all that changed when I flew to Mojácar with Jet2holidays this year!

After an amazing week away I left with Tinto De Verano becoming my new favourite drink, the Spanish rhythms on repeat in my head and a serious case of wanderlust to explore thecoast of Almeria! I was addicted to every piece of it.

It’s not your typical Spanish destinationto visit compared to the likes of Barcelona or Benidorm, but I think that this is Spain’s best-kept secret.

A hidden gem that I can’t wait to rave about. So, without further ado, here are the 16 reasons why Mojácar should be your next holiday destination!

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (1)

Top Spain Travel Resources

1. A short two-hour flight will take you to paradise

I couldn’t believe that such a quick flight could transport me to such an exotic location! As I looked out of the plane window, I felt the rush of excitement at seeing a new place I had never been before.

The rocky mountains and the sparkle on the Mediterranean Sea looked like an incredible adventure awaited us.

The nearest airport to Mojácar is Almeria, from there, it’s a quick hour’s transfer down the road. But the drive is so pretty you can hardly notice!

Jet2 regularly run flights out of London Stansted. There are also regular flights that run to Manchester, etc. You can see a whole list of flights and locations for Almeria airport from Jet2.com.

Or if you’re planning on more of a holiday package, you can have a look at Jet2holiday’s options (with transfers and hotel included) for Costa Almeria here.

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (2)

2. It has 17 kilometres of unbroken beautiful coastline

You can relax on the beach, hike along the coast with some breathtaking views, fish along the shore or take a drive and go sightseeing.

The Playa really is your oyster.

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (3)

3. Mojácar Pueblo is the cutest town you will ever lay eyes on

The main draw for tourists visiting Mojácar is Pueblo or the old city. Sitting high on its perch up atop a hillside, the sea of whitewashed buildings is inviting to say the least.

First of all, I couldn’t believe the views from the top. Rocky peaks were dotted around in the distance and you could get fantastic views of Mojácar Playa and the glittering ocean.

The small alleyways with cute plant pots and colourful shutters lining the way were as pretty as a postcard.

Every corner seemed to be more adorable than the last. I could easily see myself taking residence there, such a beautiful place to call home.

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (4)
16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (5)
16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (6)

4. The Moorish architecture will make you swoon

The term Moorish originates from when the Andalusians (Moors) from Northern Africa took their place in Spain centuries ago. But, you can still see their legacy in architecture today.

The whitewashed domes, detailed horseshoe archways and ancient Islamic mosques really make the place come alive with a hintof the exotic.

You can visitthe old Moorish water well in the Pueblo, which locals still use to fill up their bottles today!

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (7)

5. You can try your hand at golfing in Mojácar on the most spectacular course

Golf has never struck me as an interesting hobby, in fact, the only time that I’ve played golf is on a mini-golf course or driving range. But, if there was anything to change that opinion it would be thebeautiful 18-holegolf course that Mojácar had to offer.

We took our buggies around the hilly acres and the views were to die for! Alvaro Sanchez, our friendly instructor, tried to leave time for us to perfect our swing but we were too interested in taking photos (well, we are bloggers after all).

In the end, we had just enough time to try the driving range – my favourite. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s essentially an open area where you can whack a ball and see how far you can get it to go!

Although you may be tempted to go in at full pelt, there is an art to it. You have to plant your feet, touch the club on the grass before you hit the ball,balance and swing with just your arms, not your whole body.

Near the end, I almost cracked it and got it to 75 metres which is good for me!

It turned out to be an entertaining morning at the Golf Club and it convinced me that golf is anything but boring. If you were interested industing offyour flat iron, you can have a look at the Marina Golf Mojácars’ official website.

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (8)
16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (9)

6. The hiking trails will blow your mind

If you fancy something a little more active than chilling out at the beach then youcan stretch your legs with one of the magnificent hikes inMojácar.

The Playa here is one of the most diverse I’ve come across and so it was no surprise you could hike along the coastal path too.

The views were absolutely breathtaking. I loved breathing in all that fresh sea air and the water was turquoise and clear; it made me want to jump right in with the heat!

Saying this, it’s best to hike either early morning or later in the afternoon. Bring a hat and lots of suncreams; the temperature heretake no prisoners!

Although it looks quite hilly and mountainous, the below picture isactually quite a gentle hike along the coast towards Torre Pirulico, an ancientlookout point dating back to the 13th century.

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (10)

7. The fish is served fresh from the Mediterranean sea

As our visit was in the peak season of July with temperatures in the mid-’30s, the seasonal dishes mainly consisted of fresh fish and salads. We were so close to the ocean and that meant the fish was caught locally. I couldn’t wait to sample some!

Sardines, Sea Bream, Tuna, Bass, Shrimp prepared in all different varieties were on many menus in Mojácar. You have to try.

We went to a really beautiful cabana type restaurant on the beach called Chiringuito El Paraiso. It was my favourite meal by far. The speciality here was open flame barbecued sardines on a sword!

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (11)

8. Mojácar’s lively and colourful festivals are not to be missed

Mojácar sees many a festival celebrated in the town including their annual signature event ‘Moros y Cristianos’ which means Moors vs. Christians. Preluding to their Andalusian past the whole town dress as characters of old and play out the ancient battles between the two.

A younger event to hit Mojacar in recent years is ‘Noche De La Velas’ which means Night of the Candles.

It’s a magical evening that ties in with the Celebration of Saint Lorenzo allowing locals to contemplate the ‘rain of stars’ above. The whole town turn off the electricity and light up the streets with thousands of candles

It was like a fairytale walking through the town and seeing all the flames, parades and celebrations.

If you would like to readmore aboutNoche De La Velas then you can see my top tips in this article here

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (12)

9. The mountain views are breathtaking

From the drive out of Almeria Airport, along MojácarPlaya or as you clamber up to the old town of Mojácar Pueblo you will fall in love with the breathtaking views of the hills and deserted landscape.

Best paired with sunset, the colours in the sky as the sun makes its way behind the hills will stunyou.

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (13)

10. You can scuba dive in Cabo De Gata National Park

Did you know that you can scuba dive in Mojácar? The town is on the gateway to Cabo De Gata NaturalPark which isa protected areaso the waters are clear to enjoy observing the marine life there.

Buceo Mojácar regularly runs diving trips here where you can swim with the fish under the sea (cue the Little Mermaid).

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (14)

When I heard we were going to be undertaking an introduction to Scuba Diving, I was awash with a mix of fear and excitement. Scuba Diving has always appealed to me as I love the sea and seeing all the fish!

But, it’s actually the breathing underwater part that I struggle with. Equalising my ears due to the water pressure, the feeling of claustrophobia with the weight of the tank on my back and learning to regulate my breathing can be really stressful underwater.

That with not being able to communicate well, I end up getting myself in a panic.

The Instructors at Buceo Mojácar(including Pepe who was my lifesaver) were incredibly kind and had the patience of saints!

They were determined to show me it was safeunderwater and with these guys I felt nothing but protected. They were so qualified, laid back and I really feel if they hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have taken part.

So, if you ever had any doubts about itor need instructors that make you feel safe for your first Scuba Dive, these are your guys!

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (15)

11. Kayaking in Mojácar is on another level

Kayaking is such an incredible way to gain a new perspective of a place and I couldn’t wait to get in the water and start. That feeling lasted about 10 minutes until my arms started to ache and I realised just how unfit I was haha!

But, regardless of how tired I got, the jaw-droppingviews of the coast were all worth it!

We were kayaking past little coves andcould see the coral below as the water was so clear. We sailed over to the impressive Torre Pirulico at sunset. The sun at that time of day made a sparkle on the sea and I had to stop and take it all in.

I’m pretty sure my arms are still feeling it though. Looks like I need to get in shape for the nextone!

We took our tour with DGSE Turismo Activo, you can check out their Facebook page here.

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (16)

12. It’s full of hidden gems like Torre Pirulico

If you didn’t fancy seeing this beautiful viewpoint from the water, why not take a drive or hike up to it?

Torre Pirulico is a 13th Century lookout point that is still in almost perfect condition today and stands proud along the shore.

When you get to the top of the tower, you will be greeted with the birds-eye views of Mojácar and beyond!

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13. Quad biking will quickly become your new favourite hobby

I’ve never been Quad Biking before so I was really excited to go on and off-roading with a four-wheeler! I’ve always struggled with balancing scooters as it has only two wheels but this made it so much easier.

At first, I was a little slow and couldn’t turn corners at all, but then after a little practice, I took to the coast with the wind in my hair!

We went around the Torre Pirulico track and down towards the beach, it was so exhilarating. At one point, I did bump into a cactus (lol) but it was really easy to reverse back out and carry on up the track.

It’s definitely something I would try again and as soon as I stopped I wanted to hop straight back on! I would highly recommend Indalo Quads if you wanted to take a tour. You’ll be in safe hands.

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (18)

14. You can dine on the cutest rooftops by candle light

I always think it adds a magical touch to eat on a rooftop at night. Especially when there are stunning views, candles on the table and good food in a beautiful setting.

We were kindly invited to Arlequino Restaurant in Mojácar which had the cutest decor down to the finest detail.

We were invited on one of Mojácars busiest nights of the year for the Noche De La Velaswhich was a little manic, to say the least.

Despite the mouth-watering menu, the service left much to be desired. It’s a shame as I think that any other night of the year it would have been a relaxed evening.

I still think it had the most stunning views and watching the sun go down from here was a treat.

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (19)

15. Sunny spells are there year round

If you’re looking for a place to escape the rainy climate of the UK then Mojácar has to be up there as a safe bet.We were visiting in peak season where the temperatures soar to the high 30s.

But, even if you’re travelling in the shoulder season of September it will be 23 and in winter (Dec-Jan) it’s 17 degrees.

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (20)

16. It’s one of Spains best kept secrets

Whenever I think of Spain, I had these preconceived opinionsof mass tourism, British pubs abroad and badly organised package holidays. But, my little visit to Mojácar hasproved me wrong entirely!

This cute little town has shownme that holidays inSpain can be the perfect getaway, be active and relaxing at the same time and come with a hint of the luxurious.

I loved being introduced to the culture, samplingthe delicious food, meeting the friendly locals and being whisked away by the picturesque views.

I had never heard of Mojácar or Costa de Almeria in Spain before this year, but I am officially hooked. It’s definitely a gem on the Spanish coastline and somewhere I wouldn’t hesitate to visit again.

This is 16 reasons to visit Mojácar but there are so manymore! Make sure you put Mojácar in Spain on your bucket list, you won’t regret it!

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Looking for a place to stay in Mojacar?

I would highly recommend the luxurious Alegria Palacio Mojácar where I stayed with Jet2holidays. It’s a little out of the main town but the distance is worth it for the peace and quiet you will get in return.

To read my full review of this beautiful property, click here.

16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (22)

With thanks to Jet2holidays and the Mojacar tourism board for sponsoring my stay. Although I was a guest; all thoughts, photos and opinions are my own.

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16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (23)

Here are some Spain travel resources

  • Flights: I use Skyscanner to look for flight deals. Try to be flexible with travel dates for the best prices.
  • Accommodation: Booking.com is my go-to hotel platform and I’ve used them for years.
  • Public transport: You can book trains through the official Renfe site. Also, Trainline works and I found it cheaper on some journeys.
  • Car rental: Rental Cars is a great choice that compares all sorts of rental companies and gets you the best price.
  • Activities: I love GetYourGuide and use the platform all the time for booking group tours and attraction tickets.
  • e-Reader: I love to read Romantasy books and I always take my beloved Kindle Oasis with me. It has an orange light and is waterproof which is perfect for lounging by the pool.
  • Travel insurance: I always use World Nomads to book travel insurance. You never know when you’ll need cover!
16 Reasons Why Mojácar In Spain Should Be On Your Bucket List! (2024)


Is Mojacar, Spain worth visiting? ›

It possesses numerous charms and tourist attractions such as the landscape and its beaches and is well worth a visit.

Is Mojacar a good place to live? ›

Lifestyle: Mojacar is a laid-back, relaxed community where the pace of life is slower compared to larger cities. Residents spend their days enjoying the beach, dining out, and socializing with friends and neighbors. Cost of Living: Living in Mojacar can be more affordable compared to other coastal towns in Spain.

Is Mojacar safe? ›

Mojacar's Blue Flag beaches continually win awards for not only their beach and sea cleanliness but also their safety, with lifeguards manning their posts through the summer months.

What is Mojacar like in winter? ›

It's pretty mild at this time of year, but it's a good idea to bring along a jumper or light jacket for the evenings. The average daily maximum is 18 C and the average daily minimum is 10 C.

What is Spain ranked in tourism? ›

Most visited destinations by international tourist arrivals
RankDestinationInternational tourist arrivals (2022)
1France79.4 million
2Spain71.7 million
3United States50.9 million
4Turkey50.5 million
6 more rows

What does mojacar mean in Spanish? ›

Mojácar comes from the Iberian term “Monxacar”, meaning sacred mountain. For thousands of years the Indalo, has been a part of our lives, deeply rooted in the province as a whole and Mojácar in particular.

Is Mojacar busy? ›

If you enjoy Benidorm, then it is unlikely you will enjoy Mojacar Playa or Pueblo. It does get very busy, but even at the height of summer, it never gets really noisy unless there is a fiesta going on.

Is Mojacar near the sea? ›

Mojácar (Spanish pronunciation: [moˈxakaɾ]) is a municipality situated in the southeast of the Province of Almería (Andalucia) in southern Spain, bordering the Mediterranean Sea. It is 90 km from the capital of the province, Almería.

What is the climate in Mojacar Spain? ›

Mojacar enjoys a Mediterranean climate with long hot summers and relatively short mild winters. If you love to follow the sun the best time to go to Mojacar is between June and September. The hottest month of the year is July with an average daily maximum of 32 C and an average low of 24 C.

How big is Mojácar? ›

It is located within an hour's drive of the provincial capital of Almeria City and is actually comprised of two distinct areas; Mojácar Pueblo (town) and Mojácar Playa (beach), roughly 2km apart. It has around 6,300 inhabitants.

Why visit Mojácar? ›

Its artistic heritage includes the Renaissance-style Church of Santa María, from the 16th and 19th centuries; the Mojácar Castle, from the 15th century; and the city gate and the fortified tower, the only remains of the old city wall. At the foot of the town lie over five kilometres of magnificent beaches.

Is Mojácar hilly? ›

The Old town (or pueblo) of Mojacar is nestled in the hills of Sierra Cabrera at almost 175meters above sea level. Its distinctive white, cube-shaped houses piled one on top of another are visible from a distance.

Is Mojacar hot in October? ›

Average daily temperatures

It's pretty mild at this time of year, but it's a good idea to bring along a jumper or light jacket for the evenings. The average daily maximum is 26 C and the average daily minimum is 18 C.

How hot is Mojacar in July? ›

The average daily maximum is 32 C and the average daily minimum is 24 C.

Is Mojacar warm in October? ›

Mojacar weather October

This is the start of autumn for the resort. It doesn't rain much at all here, so you can look forward to lots of dry, sunny weather if you go to Mojacar in October. The average temperature in Mojacar is 19°C in October, with highs of 22°C in the mid-afternoon.

Which is better Almeria or Alicante? ›

Price comparison: Almeria vs Alicante

Alicante's pace of life is more lively with a greater cultural and leisure offer, plus it is a larger and more tourist-oriented city centre. Alicante also boasts major events, a more developed infrastructure and easier access to international flights thanks to its airport.

How do I get from Barcelona to Mojácar? ›

The cheapest way to get from Barcelona to Mojácar is to bus and night bus which costs €55 - €85 and takes 11h 50m. What is the fastest way to get from Barcelona to Mojácar? The fastest way to get from Barcelona to Mojácar is to fly and bus which takes 6h 5m and costs €65 - €250.

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.